
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Outdoor Seating, 6x6 inch Original Acrylic Painting

Here we are, buried in snow (again), and the weather men are saying we may get snow showers tomorrow, another small storm 3 days from now, and a larger one in 5-6 days.  About now I just need a break from the shoveling!  So I'm re-posting a painting I did a while ago, of my husband's favorite Summer place to eat - the Bayside Restaurant in Westport, MA.  We've nicknamed it "The Palapas" because of the feathery umbrellas.  Join me for a cool drink under a hot sky!


  1. While the East Coast is digging out of another snowstorm, we have sunny weather and my neighbor was mowing his yard today, just doesn't seem right:( Hope you see the sun soon!!! Great painting:)

  2. Nice respite to our weather, Kelley. Spring can't come soon enough.

  3. Can you believe that it's going to be 60 degrees today here in Colorado!

  4. Kelley, I love this! It is very loose and abstract, the colors are fabulous!

  5. beautiful color harmony. The yellow violet combo rocks!

  6. Beautiful scene. Love yellow and teal together. Nice somewhat abstracted or loose style. Think spring and it will be here soon!

  7. This painting has such a fun, summery feel. Thanks for warming up my day!

  8. I feel that I have entered another world... wow! You can count me an art lover who appreciates the talen of you and those who can express themselves with the stroke of a brush... just lovely!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!



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