
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wonderful Night

Some of you asked to see the painting that got 1st prize at South Shore Art Festival this weekend - no, it wasn't a jelly donut, it was a painting of my pottery from Mexico.  Weird thing, the juror's comments were that he/she (I forget) liked the lemon and lime on the left side of the painting.  Yikes - I ALMOST painted them 'out' before submitting this!  It was so great to see my friends, (I had a friend drive for 2 hours on what should have been a 45 minute ride, and one of my sons spent THREE hours sitting in Boston traffic to get here, only to miss the ceremony by 20 minutes.  My husband's plane was late leaving, so he missed it, too) and Mary Sheehan Winn kindly became my photographer!  Valerie Vitali, an amazing, inspiring painter, friend, and my very first oil painting instructor, gave me a gorgeous bouquet!  After a scrumptious dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant, I came home to this, below while I walked Paco.

And JUST TO PROVE that SOMETIMES I act in a domestic fashion, this is what I made for dinner last night: homemade jerk chicken and grilled sweet glazed grilled bananas... mmmMMmm  wish you all could have come and eaten it on the front porch with the above view!
Couple more things:  First, if you are on the South Shore and want to see some of my recent Daily Paintings, they are at Oceanside17 Gallery, 17 Rockland Circle, Hull, MA.
AND I'm on a painting trip with 7 fabulous artists in MAINE, all next week.  Internet is difficult.  I'll try to post, but will return with, hopefully, lots of new work!


  1. Wow! Kelley, what a beautiful painting, and what a beautiful dinner! On top of that, you look beautiful too! Congratulations on everything!

  2. Very happy to hear of your success, Kelley. The painting is outstanding!

  3. Much deserved. Just delighted for you! Have a great week.

  4. Kelley, this is an amazing painting, I love the sort of Cezanne-ish feel to it! Congratulations lady, nice ribbon too btw!!!

  5. Well deserved kudos, Kelley. Yummy dinner....have a wonderful time in Maine and say hi to Patti and Donna for me.

  6. Congrats Kelley..Well deserved..really beautiful work

  7. Wow - you are living right - you are right in the center of all your dreams! I love watching you go! Beautiful painting and ribbon - and you look gorgeous. Moonglow behooves you.

  8. Great painting and congratulations!! Well deserved!

    Have a wonderful, fun filled week with friends and lots of art!

  9. Congrats Kelley! That's excellent! Funny about the lemon and lime. You just never know ; ) And that dinner looks scrumptious!

  10. A lot of wonderful things happening and justly deserved Kelley! The painting trip sounds like a blast - can't wait to see some of the painted results.

  11. A very beautiful painting, Kelley - congratulations!

  12. I see why it won Kelley, congratulations!!

  13. Congratulations Kelley. its a great piece!

  14. It was fabulous!! Have a great trip!!

  15. Congrats on winning first place, Kelley!

    That jerk chicken looks soooo good!

    When are you inviting me over for dinner!?



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