
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Sweetness, 6x6, Oil

Five years ago we planted a few strawberry plants in the garden - now we have strawberries filling every bed they can reach!  Like sugar, melting on your tongue, there is nothing, nothing like fresh picked strawberries....
$100 plus $10 S&H via PayPal
**I will be taking a Zen week this week, in Maine with some painting friends...  plein air paintings from this trip will show up here next week - see you then!**


  1. I really like your color. The berries pops nicely on the background.

  2. Your piece looked great at SSAC Kelley. Have a wonderful time in Maine

  3. Oh these strawberries look so fresh. I love our strawberry patch, every year I think to tear it out or cut it back...but just can't do it.

  4. This is delicious, Kelley! Love the bright red next to the turquoise (my fave combo) and those wonderful deep blue shadows. I envy your having these little jewels growing in your own yard. I know I would devour them as quickly as they could grow.

  5. Beautiful, the pale aqua, and red are so pretty together!

  6. lucky you to have so many strawberries and congrats on all your recent success- very well deserved. this is a sweet little portrait of the berries and I like the minty green as their compliment

  7. Beautiful strawberries!

    Have a great time in Maine. Looking forward to seeing paintings from there.

  8. the strawberries are really juicy and sweet looking. Look forward to your plein air work next week.

  9. I just went strawberry picking today. We came home and made strawberry margaritas!
    Love the background color. I just joined Daily Painter Originals and linked you to my blog.

  10. I adore the coloring of the unripened ones the best!



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