
Friday, June 4, 2010

Pick One! 6x8, Oil

Trying to get back in the groove of donuts, and feeling rusty!  I was listening to Leslie Saeta and Dreama  Tolle Perry on the radio show "Artists Helping Artists" about doing workshops.  I learned a lot, but I think I should EITHER listen or paint.  Today there was no option, as we have our Girls Just Wanna Paint meetup, and I had to run a bunch of errands, as well as whip up something tasty to share before hitting the road (not to mention puppy face-time!).  So hopefully more donuts to come.  
Our Painting Challenge for May is up and loaded - check it out!


  1. Happy National Donut Day, Kelley! (I'll have the jelly on the right, thank you! lol)

  2. You are a master at those jelly doughnuts, Kelley. Did they taste as good as they look?

  3. Yum again, Kelley! And I was still going to tell you how amazed I was by your lovely peonies! The sliced composition and the colours were so accomplished!

  4. YUM!! Heard on the news that today is National Donut Day - I never knew! Anyway, great painting!

  5. Yummy! I'll take one of the jelly donuts!

  6. You guys, National Donut Day couldn't sneak by ME! :) Thanks, guys. And, Pat, I only took ONE bite of these.... I know, huh? You do get kind of immune to their lure...

  7. Could I have two please? Yummy Kelley!

  8. Ok...I was just getting over my sweet tooth and you do this???
    Simply delicious! That jelly is killing me. Woo-hoo! I'm off to buy donuts!

    Great job on the Peonies too!

  9. Looks, tasty! Beautiful job! That is a hard subject to paint, and you did it justice!

  10. I listened to that too - interesting -

    Love the donuts against that dark background!

  11. How could anyone have just one? A delicious paintin!

  12. Yummy! Some more of your wonderful donuts!

  13. these are scrumptious!!! i love that the jelly on the right looks like lips and the one on the left is just spilling out! very, very cool. and i envy your group, your meetings, the locations and interactions you must share with wine and a sunset more than i can put into words.

  14. Oh, Kelley. I'm viewing this early on a Saturday morning and suddenly my mouth is watering. I think I may need to run out for some donuts. These look sooo yummy!

  15. Nothing rusty here...wonderful painting of donuts.


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