
Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Love Peonies, 6x8, Oil

So that's just it.  I LOVE them.  These are the most amazing flowers ever.  I found this great vase at a yard sale, and the lady tried to tell me it was Depression Glass.  For $5, a big turquoise vase with glass polka dots... uh huh...  But it is gorgeous, and I knew I wanted peonies in it the minute I laid my eyes on it.  I loved painting every part of this - the variation in the white petals, the wonderful pinks in the outer petals, and need I say.. all the reflections in the VASE?  IThis little painting is going to be a reference for a BIG painting.  I'll let you know when it's done...


  1. How can anyone not love them after seeing this painting? I look forward to seeing your larger interpretation of it as well.

  2. You can tell you loved painting it. It has an immediacy to it. Some paintings are like that. My poor peonies are all gone by.

  3. Very lovely, Kelley. I don't believe I've ever seen a peony and will have to seek them out and see their beauty for myself.

  4. This one just sings! Talk about nailing it! Can't wait to see the larger version.

  5. I love all the things you love about it, Kelley, and I really love the way you cropped the composition. It makes it stand out from the typical floral painting. It's just beautiful!

  6. Kelley, I can't imagine painting those flowers! It looks overwhelming! You did a fantastic job! What a beautiful painting!

  7. Miss Kelley,

    I just LOVE this. Pink peonies are very special to me. My sweet grandmother grew them in her flower bed and she would wait ALL year for them. There were times when it seemed like all she talked about was waiting for her peonies- they brought her so much joy!

    After she passed away, my mom and I dug up the bulbs and planted them in my mom's bed. Every time they bloom, I could just cry.

    So yeah, that painting really hit me. It's absolutely lovely.

    -Kelly (&Pearl)

  8. Wow Kell, my new all time favorite of yours!

  9. i love peonies too. But I think I love your painting a lot more! wow.

  10. I am a fan of the peony too, and you have painted them so perfectly! I LOVE this, and can't wait to see the larger version.

  11. Your love for peonies rivals my love for poppies - if you could incorporate fragrance in your blog, the peonies would win!
    Lovely painting.

  12. Oh yes oh yes! Those flowers are gorgeous!

  13. I adore peonies too, Kelley, especially the fragrance!

    Lovely job on this one!


  14. Absolutely beautiful, Kelley. I love the way you cropped it.

  15. How did I miss this? OUTSTANDING!! I would love to see this same composition about 4 foot across.

  16. Love, love, love this! It will make a wonderful big painting!


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