
Friday, January 8, 2010

Not A *Daily* Painting, But Still....

This is a 30x30 winter scene done in oils that I've been agonizing over since the SUMMER! On the left there are footprints (human and canine). It's a modified scene I stumbled upon after a snowfall in Westport, MA. I've never really painted a snow scene, because people always say "Oh, well, it's nice in the WINTER, but who wants to see snow in the summer?"


  1. I would consider looking at snow in summer only if Kelley MacDonald painted it. (: Must be stunning at that size!

  2. Although I'm "up to here" with snow this week, I like your subject, the execution and (especially) the SIZE! :-) Except for the stone fence & evergreen trees, your scene could be my backyard! C-O-L-D and icy!

    Ken B.

  3. I saw this one at your open studio and it looks SO much better in person. (although it looks great on the blog) I remember how strongly it conveyed the crisp, cold air on a day that would yield that kind of snow on the landscape. It looks great!

  4. Lovely painting, I for one think that no matter what the subject matter a painting well done is appealing all the year round :)

  5. It's a beautiful painting! I have to tell you... I'm sitting at the Phoenix airport waiting to go back to Ohio! Your painting is reminding me of what I'm heading!

  6. The main thing is that you got it done, right Kelley?

    Perfect timing too. It snowed like crazy here in Chicago the other day!


  7. I don't paint many snow scenes either, for exactly that reason, but they really are fun and challenging. And then you end up with one like this that would be great to view year round!

  8. Love it! Really love it! I wish I could see it in person, BIG!

  9. this is beautiful Kelley.
    I love snow.

  10. The sky color is right on. I feel the moisture and greyness of the day. Good mood. Wish they were my footprints.

  11. You completed this well. It's like a snow hushed day. I can feel it.


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