
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Leftovers, 5x7 Oil

The last of the candies (for now... you know Valentine's Day is just around the corner!). I've been really stretched for time lately, getting ready for my workshop, and also planning a trip to Austin for a Carol Marine Workshop Women reunion! We'll be visiting with Carol one evening, then we (no slackers here) have booked Laurel Daniel for a small 2 day workshop! Don't worry, Paco will be hanging out with my son Conor in Boston - a short walk from Boston Common, so he'll think he's on vacation, too!


  1. You are true to form with this very pretty painting,Kelley! Enjoy that busy schedule!

  2. Kelley, What a great painting and I love your invite to your workshop. Happy New Year and hope you have a great 2010. I am back to painting and feel very rusty but not discouraged. Just paint. I love your creativity. Jeanne

  3. Beautiful job, Kelley, they look so inviting! Looks like you'll be having a bit of fun!

  4. What a delightful painting, Kelley...very realistic. If these were in my studio, they wouldn't be leftovers...they'd be gone. Have fun at Dena's in Cypress Mill..hope the weather cooperates.

  5. hi kelley!
    oh your workshop looks fabulous and your art retreat will be so fun!

    i am excited for you!

  6. I won't eat one, I'll just look :D
    Nice job here.


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