THIS is the week the women from Carol Marine's 2008 Santa Fe Workshop gathered in Austin to have a reunion, and to take advantage of being in Austin and take a short workshop (just us!) with Laurel Daniel. She's a fabulous painter, and we spent Wednesday visiting galleries in town, seeing Laurel's work and Carol Marines big pieces, too. Other amazing artists, that you see in American Art Collector and Southwest Art are represented here, too. This photo is of Laurel explaining the finer points of the effect of light (and the lack thereof) on a lemon...

Blanking out on the art association (Laguna... laguna....), but there are peacocks in the park next door, and they come and make themselves at home here...

Thought the name would show up bigger, but this is Carol's Austin Gallery, the Wally Workman Gallery - to die for art inside...

Fabulous (and gab-u-lous) lunch at Corazon.. followed last night by an AMAZING sit-down dinner hosted by Debbi Smith Rourke (see her link on the right, check our her blog!) with Carol Marine and Laurel Daniel, and fabulous food, amazing conversations and a view of the city like you wouldn't believe!

And here, last but not least, is my hostess Amy Hillenbrand's (see her cool blog on my links, too!) lovely kitty, Sophie. Sophie shakes hands (yes, she does), and 'rides' a piece of clear plastic, which is pulled like a sled - and she stays on! Very sweet, and is a real character.
My painting today was.... 'less' than. Hopefully tomorrow's will be better. It is still wonderful to be here with such great women, and to be painting with Laurel - she is an amazing painter and teacher!