
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, Oil, 6x6

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, 6x6
$100 & $10 S&H via Paypal

Bloody Mary with olives, lemon and celery!!!! Thanks to Manon Doyle for giving me the idea for the title with her comment on my last post! OK, now I don't feel like I copied my friend - these are two COMPLETELY different 'takes' on Bloody Marys, and I still love hers (I'll post them all on our GirlsJustWannaPaint Blog after the weekend). And now that I wasn't 'able' to do the dark background, I'm just as happy. This one painted itself... Thank goodness for days like this! I'm updating my Studio Blog, too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All The Fixings, Oil, 6x6


Having recovered from my wonderful Open Studio on Sunday, I am trying to get something to submit to my 'Challenge' group, whose topic for this month was 'Hot Sauce'. However, I found another painter painted what I'd planned (a Bloody Mary) just the way I would have done it - and did such a great job that I had to think of something else to paint. So.... here's the ingredients for a Bloody Mary with Olives, like my friend Ros Farbush likes (had one with her & another friend last Friday!). Who knows, maybe I'll paint the beverage tomorrow - I'll have them at the studio... so if you're thirsty.....
**the most fun thing to paint was the jar of olives....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Warren Walkabout, Tomorrow, 10/25 from 11-5

Hi everyone! Sunday, October 25th from 11-5 I'll be welcoming you all into my studio during the Warren Walkabout! Should be decent weather, and my family (including Paco) will be there to meet and greet! Aside from hanging with me where I work, there's the opportunity to visit some amazing artists and artisans in walking distance from my studio. Also there's the Taste of Warren directly across the street at the Warren Fire Station (free munchies!).

Some VERY cool places to visit will be:
The Warren Chairworks (they'll be demo-ing) - you can practically see the studio from my place
Altamira lampworks (you have GOT to see these RISD guys' work - fun and amazing!)
Weaving by Arlene McGonagle directly below me
Mudstone Studios one building over from Altamira - same building as the Chairworks

I will have maps. Many, many more artists and restaurants will be open, I hear restaurants will be giving little samples, too. I will have two 'bargain bins' - one for $35, older Daily Paintings and one for $50, anything (and I mean anything) over the size of the Daily Paintings. Trying to clear out the studio to make room for more! Anyway I would love to see you all... if you come be sure to see me out and say "Hi!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Conor's Bowl, 5x7 Oil

Conor's Bowl, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

YAY! Back in the studio, albeit supposedly cleaning. Cleaning is my LEAST favorite thing to do in the world because it involves sorting. Bad sorter, I am. Anyway this gorgeous celadon colored bowl is one of two that my son Conor, the potter, made for me. I wanted to paint it with apples to show how gorgeous the glaze is... but then I got carried away and wanted to put this stripey background in. I think the bowl deserves the limelight, so it will probably be painted again. But those crazy wiggling stripes were fun to paint, too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hot Sauce And Garlic, 6x6 Oil

My humblest apologies for being AWOL ... no real excuse, just was preparing for a big submission, dealing with the rejection of said submission, slapping myself upside the head to get back in the real world to get in the mood and get ready for my Open Studio on Sunday at the Warren Walkabout (err... my studio was 1,200 square feet of MESS after my submission!). And then I alternately 'lost' my camera or let the battery run down. SO. Enough of that.

With the photo below, you can see why I love to get up in the morning - this is a just-pre-dawn shot of what I see out my bedroom window.... (oooops - a little tilt-y!) and you guys, believe this, I've MISSED you all and posting!
Also, shots of Paco helping prep the studio are on Paco's Blog....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wiiiiiiiipe Out! Also, Favorite Coffee Cup, Oil, 6x6

Favorite Coffee Cup, yxy
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

You know how you have a mug or a cup that everything just tastes better in? One that just fits in your hand and everything about it, the color, the shape, is just what you love? No? You're not crazy attached to things like that? OK. I am. Definitely - this is my 'go-to' cup, it's from Sweeden, from Rorstrand (lots of RRRRRrrrr's there, I guess), and it's called Sweedish Grace and it actually has the most subtle wheat pattern on it. Today I found out that a hairline crack lets liquid leak out of it. So it is retired to the studio (where it leaked coffee all over my green cloth!). I painted it yesterday (below) but wiped it off, because after I made this just fine painting, I decided to get all anal and painted in the wheat sheaves - which completely ruined the painting. Wiped it off, and did the above painting today. And below, last but not least, a gift for all of you, tonight's sunset. Unbelievable. Also I'm updating my studio blog, and Paco's blog, too!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Handmade, 6x6 Oil

This wonderful mug was made by my son Conor. It has a bluey-green color with a hint of a soft orange that is really neat. People want him to make more, but it was an 'accident in the kiln' that created this color, he says. A challenge to paint? YES! But inspired by all the striped backgrounds I've been seeing on blogs lately I tried using some great striped fabric I have... see the result below. Ummmmmm... can you say 'wipe off'? The background was so vibrant that it overpowered the delicate shading of the mug, which was, after all, the focal point. So I switched to a white background, above. Took hours, but there you go.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Roadside Blues, 6x8 Oil

I don't know what the name of those blue flowers that sprout up in every untended spot in our area. Usually they are right alongside Queen Anne's Lace. Well, I always think about painting them, even though they are 'weeds'... my son Conor, when he was about 6 scolded me for weeding once by telling me "Mom, those are nice plants! There's no such thing as a weed - it's just a plant that grew by accident!".... and that, I guess applies to all sorts of things I take for granted in my life! I think tomorrow - some sort of coffee or tea cup theme...