
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Plein Air Practice

This coming weekend I'm taking a workshop with Colin Page, and I'm VERY excited! I believe we'll be doing plein air, and I'm a liiiiittle rusty with that, so I thought I'd do a study every day this week to kind of warm up. Of course the weather promises to be grey, misty, rainy and chilly (CHILLY! It's JUNE!) this week. So today I set up in my back entry and painted the view from there. I'm at the bottom of a hill, so that in itself is a challenge. The quality of the photo is bad - overexposed on the real view, very dark on the painting. Ah well, a long way to go!


  1. You go girl.
    Doing it is what matters as you pointed out to me.

    I wiped off 6 paintings in since Friday, and finally, after that many wipes I threw the board in the trash!

  2. I love Colin's work. I'm envious. It should be wonderful no matter the weather.

  3. Love the painting! Good luck with your workshop...sounds like fun!

  4. oh how fun!
    i love this painting and cannot wait to see more! your workshop sounds like fun!

  5. Wow that is gonna be an excellent workshop! Happy Painting to you!!!!

  6. I thought this was your house at first! The workshop sounds like fun.

  7. hey - when are we gonna see some Paco paintings!!

  8. Oh, gosh... Colin Page. I'm so JEALOUS!!! I can't wait to hear about it.

  9. Your work is just lovely!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Hey, that's the same bizarro weather we've been having for weeks! It's like Scotland here or something...

    At first I read that you were taking a painting workshop with "Colin Powell." Hahahahaha!

  11. You've made the house look really charming! Have fun at the workshop!


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