
Monday, June 15, 2009

Colin Page Workshop

This weekend I attended a Colin Page (above) workshop at the North River Arts Society in Marshfield, MA. The class was overwhelmingly filled with my 'peeps' from the South Shore - and we had a lot of laughs as well as good lessons in observation and working with values and color.
The first day we were at Scituate Harbor, it being primarily a Plein Air workshop, and I struggled with this little lobster boat (they MOVE!). I was thinking of Colin's loose but definitive brushwork for the background trees, and his 'sparkle' in the water. The hardest part was the 'dark white' of the side of the boat in shadow.
I thought what I loved about this painting above was the 'pop' of blue inside the boat, but what turns out to have grabbed me was the color changes in the water from blue to lavender to 'muddy' green... Also the man who owns this boat came to talk to me, and it turns out that THIS boat was built in Warren, RI, where my studio is! How about that?
The second day it rained, so we painted indoors. Oh, what was I thinking with this figurine (it was Colin's and actually had a smiley face painted on its belly)????? I was happiest with the blue pitcher in the background...
I painted this because there was nowhere else to sit when it turned out I had to move after we'd started painting. I have an allergy to turps except Gamsol, and there was someone using Turpenoid, so when my eyes started burning and lips started tingling I knew I couldn't paint the pink carnations in a jar I'd chosen. I was almost in despair over this (all blue? stripes? a painted pitcher????) but Colin helped me eliminate the non-essentials and calm down and just DO it. :) If you ever get a chance.. it's a worthwhile workshop!


  1. oh my gosh kelley!
    i love all of these paintings! what a wonderful workshop. you are so talented!

  2. It was a most wonderful weekend! The workshop was fantastic!
    Your Buddah was one of the BEST paintings in the class. Period.

  3. Thanks so much, Melissa! Mary I'd thank you via email, but you can't get mail from me!!!

  4. Fabulous work! Especially love the lobster boat and the blue and white pitcher. Very Mary Cassatte.

  5. I love all these paintings! Sounds like a wonderful workshop!

  6. Sounds like you had a great time...loved them all but the blue pitcher stood out for me :))

  7. What great paintings Kelley! Sounds like a blast!
    I hope you rubbed Buddha's belly for luck! : )

  8. I've been a fan of Colin Page's expressive works for a while now, and I can definitely see how it came through during your class paintings. Beautiful, and you did a great job with the boats!

  9. Lucky girl, how wonderful for you to attend that workshop. LOVE the new paintings, especially the first one, your "dark whites" look brilliant, as does your smooth, effortless brushwork. Bravo!

  10. oh my these are just gorgeous images you did at the workshop!!!!!!!!!!! I really love the paintings in today;s post! I think I almost could smell the fresh ocean when looking at the beautiful boat painting...........

  11. Wonderful paintings, Kelley. Looks like it was a very fun workshop.

  12. Kelley, sounds like a fun workshop. As usual, your work is wonderful!!

  13. Glad you had fun. By the way, that buddha figurine looks fantastic.

  14. Kelley, I have not been on your site for awhile and WOW look what I have been missing! Love everything in the post, but, for me the lobster boat is a standout!

  15. Hi Kelley,

    You did a great job this weekend. You guys were alot of fun. I noticed you did forget to put the smiley face on buddha's belly, but it still came out well. Thanks for taking the workshop.

  16. Beautiful, Kelly! love all the turquoise and the bit of orange at the top and showing through the pitcher. Sorry about your eyes! Hope you were able to enjoy it anyway.

  17. Beautiful work, Kelley! Sounds like a great workshop. I'm a fan of Colin Page's too.

  18. Wow, Kelley, these are all stunning! I especially love the blue painted pitcher ... I agree with Debbi ... VERY Mary Cassatt (a good thing!)

    Good work!


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