
Friday, October 31, 2008

Red Candy Apple, 6x6 Oil


Happy Halloween!  I must say lately I've been having a lot of fun lately with my Daily Paintings.  Perhaps it shows - I've been looking at them in a whole new way - concentrating on items like flowers or fruits or vegetables, and changing or rearranging the viewpoint, the backgrounds, etc.  And I've been trying to work with a new color wheel, the Munsell color wheel.  I think I'm seeing a new solidity to the work, though this may be premature.... it feels that way anyway from MY view.

Today's piece was a real challenge - darn glossy, clear red!  I actually had the polka dot fabric hanging in the background,, but at the last minute I was unsure weather I wanted so much attention on the background.  My son Conor made these, and though this one is now history, he promises me he'll make more next week, cinnamon flavor.  We'll see if they're any easier to paint!


  1. this "red" is great. it really looks glossy/shiny!! - Pam

  2. Thanks Pam - good to know you're checking in!

  3. Wow! You really nailed this one. It just jumps off the canvas and looks good enough to eat. A job well done.

  4. Hey! Carol said exactly what I was going to say: you nailed it! You can say darn those glossy clear reds all you want, but you sure pulled it off with flying colors! (see? this painting has me so excited I'm mixing my metaphors)

    Great choice of white plate and white background, too. (I love the shadow of the apple on the wall.) The reds in the apple really pop ... luscious!

  5. I think you did a beautiful job on this, the candy coating looks very believeable. It's so glossy and reflective. I think you made the right choice about the background, this apple needs to stand and shine by itself.

  6. Karen, Deborah, thanks for weighing in (and making me feel better about my decision) on the background!

  7. wow, the reflections and yumminess of this just pops out.

  8. I just noticed this one Kelley. Its so shiny. Wow! Very neat.

    Today I saw your lobster piece at the Portsmouth Arts Guild. Very striking. One of my colored pencil students kept looking at it ... thinking about purchasing.


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