
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gerber Daisies in a Vase, 6x6 Oil

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Here's the whole bunch.  I had this fabric from when I went to Carol Marine's workshop, but I never used it there (too much to think about).  I was a bit intimidated with multiple flowers, plus a patterned background, but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.  Trying also to think about the dominant value (and in this one I think the dominant value is the middle value, with the dark value second and a smidge - Carol's word - of light values).  So at least for now, I'm sticking with simple exercises that incorporate value dominance, color (Munsel color wheel), edges, and of course, composition.  Not to exclude the 'joy' factor (my own term) - each painting I do must have a certain something that makes me 'want it', something that gives me, and hopefully the viewer, a little jolt of joy.


  1. The JOY shows! This painting really made me smile!


  2. Thanks, Rakel, I love it that it made you smile!

  3. Kelly you are so inspiring. I love this one. And it really pops in the small thumbnail in ebay. Good luck! I am still unpacking and hope to get my email out to our workshop women soon! - Debbi

  4. This painting just SINGS to me - which must be the joy factor for which you speak. : ) Soooooooooo nice. You really nailed this one, Kelley! Fantastic!! :-) Barbara

  5. This is one of my favorites of yours! I love the background and the flowers and vase...wonderful and Joy filled for sure!

  6. Hi Kelley,
    Loved this painting and especially enjoyed the commentary. I am eager to see you again and talk paint face to face. Keep up the good work. Diane Scott

  7. Kelley, You've got a real winner with this one! It just sings and looks like it belongs on the front of a birthday card!

  8. Debbi - I'm looking forward to your blog!!! Barbara, you are always so kind, thank you.
    Sandy, glad you could feel the joy!
    Thanks, Carol - maybe that's an idea..... :)

  9. Hi Kelley. This painting has so much life to it. It is my favorite of your flowers in the jar series.

    Another Carol Marine workshop taker! Bet that was a blast!

  10. Fun background! I like the way you handled the flower petals on ALL of the daisies.

  11. This one definately shines with joy!!
    All of them are nice but this is my favorite so far... I will definately drop by again as I love to find joyful paintings and people.


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