
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 2, Value Studies and Tomatoes

We all did tomatoes today and here they are:

Mine is below on the far right, with the bright green background.

This was one I forgot to put in from yesterday.....  I thought the feather would be the hard part, but it was the Baby Roma tomato!

We did value studies today - nothing new there... EXCEPT Carol was teaching us about the dominant/medium, squinch aspect.  Every painting  (successful painting), is divided into 3 areas, light, medium and dark areas, with one of them being dominant (like half), one medium (like 2/3 of the other half) and a squinch (the last, smallest little bit).  OK, squinch might not be the right word, but it's a work like that.  So we had to do 3 value studies, trying to use one or all of those designs.    OH, and the little numbers on the top left were the number of minutes we had to do them - start to finish - whew!


  1. Hi Kelley,
    sounds like a good workshop, love the examples. Nothing like a good value study to get you centered. I love the lemon painting you did before you left, great yellow and purple combos.
    Have fun, I am very jealous.

  2. This is SO cool! It must be exciting to be in an instructional environment with Carol and in Santa Fe no less! As usual, I love your drawing...(love the feather!)

  3. Wow, this looks like sooooooo much fun! I need to get out the paints!!!


  4. The feather is superb. The value studies are, well, valuable!


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