
Monday, September 22, 2008

Carol Marine Workshop, Day #1

Well, here I am in Santa Fe, and after a slight bout of altitude sickness, I'm loving it!  My computer is weird, and I hope this posts OK.  First day painting - it's HARD!  We did a value study, too, as we seemed as a group to have a little trouble there.  This is my set up and my painting.  Blood, sweat & a tear or two went into this one!  Carol's as nice as can be, and it's a joy to watch her at work!   Oh, yeah, on the top of my painting there's a little shadow from the thumbtack used to hold the canvas panel in place.


  1. You're off to a good start with your first day's painting! Glad you're feeling better...altitude sickness? Geez...

  2. I think you did a fine job. Is that the fabric you brought with you?
    I love it.

  3. Hope to see more. Good job and glad you're over the altitude sickness.

    Now, on to catch up with what I've missed.

    Have fun...

  4. Thanks, Sandy! Yes, Mary, this is the first of the batch. When I see what other people brought I think I got all the wrong kind! Paula, yeah, can you believe it? After never having a problem in San Miguel..

  5. what a tricky subject.. looks great! hope today was just as productive, we miss ya on the east coast!


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