
Friday, July 20, 2007

Turf Discussion, oil 5x7

These roosters were hanging out at Westport Point last fall and I've been thinking about painting them ever since. I liked their interaction, as well as their stark colors. Sorry I've been a bit of a slacker since my travels. Came home to find the 'end' of my studio time in Rockland is imminent, not the first of the year as was initially indicated. So I've been very much grieving my studio, while trying desperately to find affordable space closer to home. If anyone has any ideas or tips.... I'd love them!


  1. Hey kelley, have you checked out Cutler Mills in Warren? My brother has a studio there. I'm thinking about a nice big shed in my backyard for my studio :-)

  2. Funny -- even before reading the title I was wondering what the must be talking about!

    Love the color especially the blue stripes; the black really stands out!


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