
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Now THAT's A Tiny Tomato, Oil, 6x8

Last Summer I tasted Currant Tomatoes for the first time - they are just miniscule! So we are growing them this year. Compared to cherries they're teeny. I was playing with neutrals and reds, of things inside glass, and outside of it. Just a fun day in the studio (you'd think I didn't have a SHOW coming up in 2 weeks...). Also using Carol Marine's recipe for Painting Medium, and I loved how smoothly the paint slid off the brush. Thanks, Carol.


  1. Hi Kelley!
    This is so cute! I have never heard of currant tomatoes, but they are fascinating....I've been trying to grow some heirloom tomatoes myself lately.

  2. hey Kelley! that is the cutest tomato i have ever seen.
    like the painting too.
    good luck with the show

  3. That is a teeny tomato.
    Ditto on the show.

  4. Thanks you guys! I'll blog about the show on my 'studio' blog!


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