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Friday, March 3, 2017

Shuffling Off To Mexico

It's been nine years, but finally I'm headed back to San Miguel de Allende to paint with my friend Paula Villanova. I will be posting paintings almost daily, such fun! This was a tiny painting from our very first trip there, in 2004. Laundry and flowers on s rooftop terrace. ❤️

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dreamer, 20x20 acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

"Dreamer", 20x20 Acrylic

Today, once again, is Girls Just Wanna Paint blog day!  Our challenge this month was to take a quote and paint your inspiration.  So mine was "Every Great Dream Begins With A Dreamer.  Always Remember You Have Within You The Strength, The Patience And The Passion To Reach For The Stars To Change The World"  by Harriet Tubman.  
It's a quote that I tried to raise my kids by, and I think it's a good thought for everyone.
To see the rest of the responses... click HERE

Also, if you are looking for an acrylic painting class, I'm teaching at Bristol Art Museum in Bristol on Wednesdays.  Starts Feb. 8th, still room! Email me at

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year! "Glaciers" 8x8 Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

"Glaciers", 8x8 Inch Acrylic

I simply cannot believe it's been a month since I posted.  Yes, we're all busy in December, but this is just wrong!

Do you do Resolutions?  I stopped a few years ago when they seemed to be just wishes.  That I would go gung-ho on for about 3 weeks (or 2, or.. let's be honest, 1week) and then I'd give up.  Well, I'm tired of giving up.  So no more Resolutions, but instead, I'm going to HELP myself be more mindful, be more in the present.  Maybe you don't know how... ummmm DRIVEN I can be, thinking always of the response to the next thing, planning of the next event, the next painting, the next meeting, the next  plan.  It really doesn't seem to serve me!  

So... about my painting life, which is really my life, I'd like to really start now to get some surprising and decent work ready for a show I'll be having (yes... a SOLO show!) in January 2018. I want to do more interiors, more domestic scenes, AND I want to experiment with acrylic paint more, like in "Glaciers", which started out inspired by the wonderful artist Tracey Talbott, in Duxbury, MA.  She brought in some canvases that had tissue paper wetted and attached with gel medium. and I tried it (it didn't come out anywhere near as nice as hers, but it got me thinking... then this topic came up and I thought about the tissue being land masses.  And I added layers and layers of deep clear blues for the 'ocean', and layers of ice-blue, silver and white for the glaciers.  It was a lot of fun!  And it got me thinking about paint another way.  So!  My 2017 hopefully will see more of me just being sunken into the process of painting, realistically AND abstractly.  💙💙💙
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