
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What Do Women Want? 11x14 Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

"A Day At The Beach With A BFF And A Cute, Comfortable Bathing Suit (That Doesn't Make Me Look Fat)"

Happy June!  Today is the GirlsJustWannaPaint publishing day and don't you know I missed the deadline for putting up my post?  So it didn't go out with the rest of them this morning.  Oh, this painting was READY, but not till yesterday afternoon, when I was working on the water.  Then I had to dash to our GJWP meeting (which is kind of like a party sometimes, and last night was one of those... ahem... way more Cosmos than I'm used to... ) and I simply fell asleep when I got home, without putting the image in on the blog.  So... and you know what?  Many of us must have done the same thing!!!  The post that went out was missing a number of the paintings I saw at the meeting last night (we had a wonderful bartender...). 

So... I did this painting in response to the topic "What Women Want".  And what I was thinking was... really?  It's not money, cars, big houses, jewelry (although I argued with my self about this one), or what many men expect.  We want peace in our lives, girlfriends we can rely on in all circumstances, and every once in a while, a day (or half a day) without the usual commitments. No laundry, no deadlines, no thinking of what's for dinner, no negotiations, no CNN, none of that crap.  Just a really good day out with a girlfriend who you know has got your back.  Sunshine.  Waves.  Quiet.  A great book.  And if you're lucky you can follow all that up with a nice dinner and a Cosmo.  Well that's all I want, anyway! That and World Peace.  Doable, right?

1 comment:

  1. And you are blessed with many wonderful girlfriends! Great wave action.


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