
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Darling Sparrow, 6x6 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Do you love her?  I do.  I have always been drawn to the soft, pouffy rounded shape of a Sparrow.  I think if you sit and watch them you just have to fall a little bit in love with them.  Notwithstanding my cat thinks my love for sparrows includes dead ones,  which it most definitely does not.  I love their lively little eyes and dancing way of hopping around.  

I have somewhere (packed, and I'll find it) a sculpture of 3 sparrows on a branch.  When I get it out I'll include a photo of it. 
HUGE apologies for a post I wrote (it was a long one) on the 1st.  It disappeared - and didn't even go to the Drafts folder.  Shaking my head.... hope this guy gets out to you all.  Hey.... Spring is VERY close!  Reason to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. 'Darling Sparrow' - Less is more and this painting - without background detail just jumps off the canvas. Kudos.


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