
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Where, Oh Where Am I?

"Serious Peppermints", 6x6 inches, acrylic.  

This month I am everywhere.  Just call me Waldo.  I have all candies at the Providence Art Club's Little Picture show. 
I have Twenty five small pieces (unframed, at a discounted price in order to contribute to the Society) at the upcoming North River Holiday Sale. 

And Wednesday night, my good friend Mary Sheehan Winn (check out her work) will help me fill the window at Brewed Awakenings in Downtown Hingham, MA. 
I feel like I'm spinning!  But it's all good, and the camaraderie from the fellow artists and these fine organizations is just incredible!

I'll post some samples from each place so you can see what I've been up to!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Festivities, 6x6 inch acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

First of the month - again?  So soon?  And Girls Just Wanna Paint topic is: Celebration.  So so many options for a celebration.  But this sparkly, colorful image just set me off to paint it!  Strings of lights, lanterns, umbrellas, ... I can hear the music and the laughter.  Beyond Season or Reason. 
I have been looking at this piece while I sip my coffee in the morning, and I can get lost in the colors, and almost feel the vibration of the music.   
So so much going on - I feel like my work is really "out there" this month.  Tomorrow I'll send out a list of where, just so you can visit it if you have a hankering.  
Have been missing you all, and hope you are all doing well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pocket Treasure, 6x6 Inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

Tonight I had the great pleasure of doing a demo at the Foxboro Art Association.  I love doing demos because I always get to meet such great people.  These are serious artists and they had good questions, and there seemed to be a number of connections we had in common.  No, thesis not what I painted - I painted this on a retreat in Maine recently, with good girlfriend time (oh, and good Pug time I should add) and sweet time at the lake.  Tonight I did a donut painting.  A bit of spiffing up and I'll share it here.

My Dad always had hard candies in his pocket.  That is one reason I love to paint them.  Also... you know how you just get a tickle in your throat when you just shouldn't be making any noise?  Yeah, these are great for those times.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hopper's Light, 8x10 inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

Well, it's the 1st of the month, and that means Girls Just Wanna Paint!  This month Mary Sheehan Winn chose the theme "Paint Like A Famous Artist".  I was stumped, stymied and s-l-o-w.  I've always loved Hopper, and his bare, lonely lighthouse paintings, so here we are.  I'll tell you trying to copy another artist's work is so much more difficult than doing it yourself!  But I do learn, every single time I do things like this.  This speaks to me of every lighthouse I've visited.  Especially Maine, where Hopper took a lot of inspiration.  I love everywhere he painted.  Anyway, it's an 8x10 on gallery wrapped canvas (no need to frame).  I can't ship it till after our monthly meeting on the 6th, so bear that in mind!  Stay safe if you're in hurricane areas!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quick Learners, 6x6 inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

No Shelter Pet today, and possibly tomorrow, as my day job is taking 10+ hours a day these couple of days - just finished this one up... still may finesse the middle range of land.
Hoping for a break in the heat.... I don't like extremes of temperatures.  I get lethargic and groggy in the heat.  If you are awaiting an email/message from me about a painting... I'll be back to you in a couple of days - do not worry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shelter Cat, 6x6 in Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

I'm looking at cats (and dogs) in shelters.  This guy is Nick and he is at the Hull Seaside Shelter in Hull, MA.  The painting does not do him justice.  But if you adopt Nick, email me and you can have this painting from when he was sad and lonely, before you lit up his life. 

Shaken, Not Stirred... 12x6 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Where to begin?  First, it is the day for our Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge - and this month's topic is "Twisted".  Honestly.  I tried a big painting of glorious skeins of pink, orange and glittery yarn (what was I thinking?), a raspberry twisted danish (I actually threw this one across the room), and then, today, the LAST day to paint it, I stopped at 3 donut shops.  Why doesn't anyone twist cruellers any more?  They're made by machine now, FYI and the dough is plopped out.  Well, I finally, after all those shops found THREE kinds of twisted donuts at Ma's Donuts in Middletown, RI.  Check out the outstanding paintings from this Challenge HERE.

Well, something happened on the way home.... it's hot here, a little bitty heat wave.  And I was driving by a little grocery store and I thought "My husband would probably love an ice cold martini when he gets home tonight - WAIT!!!!!"  That's as far as I got with the ACTUAL martini, but all I could think of was painting one with a 'twist'.  There you go... sometimes you just have to let your natural inclinations bubble to the top.  And here, all this time, I thought I was a slave to donuts.  :)

*rabbit*rabbit*rabbit* (good luck this coming month)

ANNNNNND, one last thing.  This is shaping up to be a really busy month for my day job, so what did I do?  I signed up to do Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 days.  Crazy, huh?  Haven't settled on a topic and am going to give myself a week to settle in.  Shelter dogs/cats?  Things that refresh?  My favorite things?  We'll see.  Hey, thanks for sticking around.  It means more than you can know.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Long Time Gone


I've really missed my blogging friends!  I've cleared out a lot in my house, and now am in the Limbo that is unique to a House For Sale.  I've struggled with all the different hats I've had to wear prepping everything, and I'm still not done, but well on my way - one more yard sale and one more POP UP sale (keep your eyes peeled and check the blog posts, because I will be taking sales via text message as well as in person!) to go.

It had been so long since I've done a Daily Painting... there was this fear... could I still paint?  I thought I'd forgotten HOW.  And what?  What subject?  I returned to my comfort zone.  Hadn't done a coffee or tea break in a long long time.  I love painting different textures, and here the graham crackers contrasted with the smooth liquid and the hard porcelain... and I had a BLAST doing it.  And whites are always so interesting.  So join me in 'Tak(ing) A Break", relax and enjoy.  And thanks for being there.

Friday, July 3, 2015

It's A Grand Old Flag, 8x6 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Happy Independence Day!  So much talk on the TV and Social Media about what divides us, about other flags, and other allegiances, religions and more.  But today, really, we can celebrate that we CAN have things that are different about us, but what is most important is that we are one.  One nation.  With lots of different people in it.  Here's a shout out to all my friends, all over this wonderful land (and beyond).  HAPPY 4th of July!

Last Fall I was lucky enough to spend time on beautiful Cuttyhunk Island.  This is what you see as you sail into their little harbor.  American flags waving, welcoming.  Long may they wave.  Enjoy your festivities today and hold your friends and families close.  How lucky are we?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Good Day Ahead,, 7x5 inch acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald

Well, THIS month has certainly flown by!  Here we are, knee deep in Summer!  I've been cleaning out, packing and paring down, ready for a move.  But Girls Just Wanna Paint posts our new paintings today - and this month's topic was "Bathing Beauties".  Here are two iconic women of a 'certain age', with all the privileges that go with that age, meaning acceptance of who we are, and spending the occasional day as we see fit.  Two friends spending a day at the beach, with a good book, a cool drink and sunscreen - pretty perfect.  Goofy hats optional.

I've made new space in my house to paint - the living room option just wasn't cutting it for me - if you can believe it, too much light, coming in from all directions.  I have a small north-east facing room upstairs now that I have claimed while we are still here, and it feels wonderful.  So, as I tackle the attic, the basement and the mountains of accumulated things from 3 generations, I will be taking refreshing painting breaks here:

Why didn't I do this sooner?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Poppies, 6x12 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

As we drove to and from painting sites during our week in Maine, we were treated to gorgeous displays of poppies.  These, against the deep dark of the woods, were these brilliant glowing flowers! We took so many photos of them and I knew I'd paint them.  One thing I love about this painting is that the woods are not a flat black area, there is depth and branches and trees and all sorts of stuff going on there! A nice, 'tuckable' size, too, 6x12.  

I always see poppies as a hopeful sign, that the cold winter is really really gone, and the flora of summer is on it's way.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sigh, 6x12 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald


This painting went to a friend, and I am so so happy to know that the peace and joy I got from painting it will be in her life.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Maine Rocks, 6x12 acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald


Right about now I'm visiting Pemmaquid Light House.  These rocks were painted with a cast of thousands (felt like) standing behind me.  A big bus load of people emptied out and they thought this was part of the Tour. :)

Well, many left when I painted the whole canvas magenta.  ("She doesn't know what she's doing....")  And the way I painted it, I blocked in huge abstract shapes at first.  Then I went in and added depth, detail, strong values, color.  When I look at this I can hear the pounding of the tide on the rocks.  Yes, Maine Rocks. xo

Monday, June 8, 2015

Oh, Honey!, 6x12 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Right now I'm on my yearly painting retreat in Maine.  7 days of art - IMAGINE!  We only have to worry about what's for dinner one night each, and we do housekeeping the morning we leave.  It's a love fest, and a week of intense sharing of news in the art world, techniques, art history and ideas.  

On the road to the nearest lighthouse is a beekeeper who sells her wares from her porch.  She lines up different sized jars with a 'honey bee bear' on the railing.  Against the house are the butterflies she makes and sells.  I look forward to this still life every year. And the light coming through that honey - BAM!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Comfort, 6x6 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald


The glow of the set sun, the serenity of the flowing water into the marsh, gives many of us a settling in kind of feeling.  A place to let your fears and anger go, and let the peace and comfort of faith seep in.  I wish this for all of you, friends.  This painting was done in the 'zone', where you don't even direct your brush, it simply flows.  I love it, and I don't say that about many of my own paintings!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Serenity, 6x6 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

I haven't painted in about a week.  Life keeps getting in the way.  And it's not going to ease up for a couple of weeks, so when I GOT a small, teeny tiny block of time, I grabbed my paints and the reference photo that I loved and went to town.

It's a place I want to be.  It's a sight I love to see.  Massachusetts, in particular, has a lot of gorgeous marshes.  But I don't really remember where this one is from.  I love the clouds, the sky, the reflection.  

Wishing you all peace, and a bit of serenity. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

"The Spiritual America" Cocktail, 6x6 inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

At a place called Pearl & Ash in Manhattan they are dreaming up Spring cocktails.  Now... how fun does this look? Tastes like Blood Orange with Rhubarb accents.  Sounds like a winner, even though I can't figure out how they came up with a name like that!

Come on Spring... I know you can do it!  I think here in Rhode Island we're going to pretty much skip Spring, and leap from the mid 50's to the 70's.  I'm enjoying saying goodbye to frigid weather and snow injuries.  Looking for some tulips to brighten the days, too.  Enjoy, friends!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Serene Bride, 7x5 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Here it is, the 1st of the month!  And you know what that means!  Girls Just Wanna Paint produces our response to this month's topic:  Bride.  Check them out HERE.
I'm going to a wedding next week for a very lovely couple and my very own daughter is recently engaged and we are looking forward to THAT!  Every bride is beautiful.  City Hall brides (my mom and my friend Susan), Beachfront brides, Cathedral Brides, Flower Power brides and every type of bride in between.  Something about celebrating finding the love of your life, I think, makes you shine from within.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Party Jellies, 6x6 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald


I posted this painting on Facebook as a WIP (Work In Progress) and someone said it looked like a 'selfie' taken at a party.  OK, it's a donut party and the jellies are really having a wild time!  :D

I saw on the Dunkin Donuts Facebook page that some shops still carry the 'strawberry filled' jelly donuts of old.  So I wrote to the company to find out which stores, since those donuts really give off a jewel-like drip of jelly (yes, I know how crazy that sounds but here I am, saying it!).  My answer was that they DO NOT KNOW which stores carry it.  (simple enough - which ones do you SHIP the donuts to - they used to be made in the shops, but that was years ago.  Now they are all centrally baked and shipped).  I do, I know, know WAY too much about these donuts!

Point being, if any of you stumble across a Dunkin Donuts in NEW ENGLAND that has Strawberry Filled Jelly Donuts - PLEASE let me know.  I will be forever in your debt - and you get a donut painting half off!  :D

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lush And Sweet, 7x5 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

I knew you needed some sweetness in your life right now.  Here you go.  ZERO calories!  Tender plump donuts filled with real whipped cream and a splot of jelly injected in the middle just for a touch of perfection.  Dusted with powdered sugar.  In a brown box, with waxed paper wrap to keep it safe.
Yeah.  I'm even making MYSELF hungry!
Now... wipe that drool off your lips...... 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Boats To Come

This past week I've not had a lot of time to paint, but I wanted to explore a subject.  I have a nice image from the Maine painting trip last year and, as you can see below, I did 3 versions.  The large image, above, was the last.  I started with an extreme light/dark study, below on the right.  Then I did a tonal version, in the middle.  Then I allowed myself to dig into the color a bit.  These are all 6x6's and if you are interested in any of them, just shoot me an email at

More to come on this one.... bigger, different substrates.... just going to delve.
OK?  How are you guys?  Let me know!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Memories, 6x6 Inch Acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald

This month the Girls Just Wanna Paint challenge was to paint a treasured object.  I've kind of trying to adopt a Buddhist attitude, of detachment, and not letting material things mean too much to me, but this little pitcher was my mom's and I think was actually a creamer.  My son, knowing how I love pussy willows, actually GREW some this year, and put them in a floral arrangement he gave me on my recent birthday.  Well the flowers are gone, but the pussy willows remain.

SO.  On to the fun part here.  Today, being behind the 8 Ball with my painting schedule, I packed up my paints and drove to Sally Dean's studio where we decided we would simply get in her studio and CRANK out this month's Challenge. We did it, then went looking at some awesome pottery and glasswork in nearby Norwell (behind Trattoria San Pietro). So... here is mine.  Please check out the rest of the GJWP Challenge paintings HERE, and Sally's blog HERE.

"Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends... " yes I do, and I want to say THANKS to Sally for a great art date day!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lifting Spirits, 6x6 in Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

It has been a loooong Winter!  Even now, officially Spring, we are sloshing and scraping and salting...  these tulips have such fresh color and really pierce the Winter Blues!  

They tell me warm weather is just around the corner.  I will believe.... 
Reconnecting with a lot of my artist friends this week - I think we've all been hibernating - it is just wonderful stuff.  Sharing meals, celebrating occasions, talking about upcoming workshops and painting trips - is it just us or is everyone beginning to emerge into a more joyful place?

Be well, friends, and be thankful for every day.  I'm thankful that you are sharing my art journey.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Filled With Hope, 7x5 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

It's been a tough winter.  In so many ways.  And I am so blessed to have a plethora (I always love to use that word!) of bouquets to surround myself with around my birthday.  This one, has daffodils, tulips and pussy willows... bursts of color and gentle shapes and contrasting textures.

I have hope.  I always need to feel it - and this year maybe more than others.  And love.  

"Faith, Hope and Love... and the Greatest of these is Love".  Be bolstered by it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Has Sprung (almost)

By the calendar... Spring arrived this evening at 6:45.  In reality, however, it was snowing (again).  I'm feeling lucky because I have really beautiful flowers INSIDE right now.  Honestly, I have tulips (4 kinds), daffodils, roses, hyacinths, orchids and lilies.  Yeah.  Unbelievable, right?  I'm grateful for a birthday after a loooooong winter!
You can't blame me for letting loose a little with the paint.
Love them all.  Allowed myself to be very free with this Lily Portrait.
It's one of those paintings that look quite abstract close up, but if you back up it all comes together.
Feels like warm weather if I look at it!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Big 6-0!

Well, today's my 60th birthday, and I'm sharing some cake with you.  Home made buttercream frosting, yes it is!  I just love, love, love this painting - it really is cheerful and happy - just like you should always be on your birthday.

I'll tell you a little about my celebration.  My husband bundled me up at the crack of day and we headed to Cape Cod ("The Cape" as it is known here).  We were going iceberg hunting!  This winter huge chunks of ice - bigger than a person - washed ashore on the bay side of the arm of the Cape.  We visited as many beaches as we could.  Stopped for a fabulous cream donut in New Bedford on our way.  Of course we brought Paco.  Of course we hit a gallery or two.  Now... my favorite way to celebrate - in our cosy living room with a movie and some cheese & fruit - and a cocktail to toast the new decade - you can't keep a happy girl down, #60!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mother's Comfort, 6x6 inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

This month our Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge was "Comfort".  So many themes would go with this, from Southern Comfort, to religious comfort, to cozy interiors and more.  But I saw this image and loved it.  King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, I believe.  Please check out the rest of the group's work HERE, and try to find some comfort of your own in this snowy, freezing Winter! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Droolworthy, 6x6 inch oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Oh, I love these close up portraits of jelly donuts!  I particularly enjoy the jelly part (can you tell?).  Why?  Because it's the biggest challenge (hardest part, yeah..)!  How many layers of light and sweetness can you see?  I use about 7 or 8 colors here, the exact selection honed over about 7 years of painting donuts.  The jelly has layers, and so do the highlights.  In this way it's like painting colored glass.  

So... I just this morning begged my husband to stop at the donut shop after he picked up some dog food.  Nom nom!  But I'm getting in the mood to paint some pets, and I've exhausted my own.  If you would like to send me a head shot of YOUR fur baby or one you know, please do!  NO OBLIGATION, I'm looking for models!  Send them to!  THANKS... from me and.... Paco, who is having a very tough time between the 2+ feet of snow and the bitter cold! :D

This is Paco's "come hither" look...

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Big Time Olives, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

All I can think of is martinis to paint these days.  Actually I had one tonight.  
This painting started out blue and orange - how it came to this is bizarre - but actually the "black" is Indigo, straight from the tube.

Difficult couple of weeks.  My dear niece, that I'd asked you all for prayers for, lost her battle with cancer.  It was terrible to say goodbye.  26 years old. Much too young.  Thank you for your prayers, though, it mattered.

Monday, February 9, 2015

"That Kind Of Day" 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Too long since I've posted a nice martini painting, and if your winter is ANYTHING like the Boston area's winter - you NEED a nice martini.  :D
Seriously, we'll get through it, but oooooh that first sip of a nice cold martini makes you warm all over.  I've intentionally let the 'ground' show through these expressive brushstrokes - hey, let me tell you everything about this painting was fun.
Now.  Who needs a sip?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It Was Either This Or A Snow Painting...

Oh, the joys of a snow day!  I visited chickens a couple of times last summer and was going through my photos and thought I needed to bring them into a painting!  Once again,, this acrylic pen is so much fun to use!  Not my usual style, but every once in a while you have to break free.  

What better time than during a historic snowstorm?  Thanks Juno!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tender Trail, 8x6 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Oooooh, a little shadow, I now see, at this late hour on the lower left side!  Will re-shoot in the light of day!  This painting is one of those many, may layered pieces.  Abstracts, for me, take so long.  The planning.  The process, the layers, and seeing how they are working, and adjustments made (cooler white or warmer white... any color really gets tweaked).  Then, as I have learned, turn the pieces on their sides and upside down - it must 'work' on all sides.  This again, has so so many layers of paint and clear acrylic.  In person you can see the depth and it draws you in.  

All the reds and red browns and red oranges.  I was seeking warmth, I guess, in bleak January!  Gray sky, gray water, even the dead grass looks gray.  Gray tree trunks.  So... RED!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Yearning For Spring, 7x5 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Well, I'm really getting into the abstract frame of mind.  This painting, little as it is, has taken me over a week of working every day.  Believe it!  There are probably over30 layers of paint and semi-gloss gel medium on this.  I am liking how each layer of paint was a neutral off white, and the blue/green center was a different color layer.  Some times it was deep turquoise, sometimes bluey green, sometimes a lime green.. and the layers of medium between gives it a depth (you can see it better in person, but here....)

And it looks like the colors float and merge.  So much harder to get it 'right' than a realistic painting.  But I love that, too, you know it.  And get your coffee ready, there are donut paintings coming tomorrow!

Come on, dip your toe in...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Surge, 5x7 acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald

Been 'off' posting for a few days, but NEVER off painting.  I think I'll make a collage or something of the ones that didn't get into the post.  I have been loving the process and all the learning that's involved.  I have only been painting in acrylics for about 8 years, so I still have a lot to learn.  But I do love it.  This painting has at it's source, the feeling of WATER from above and below.  Many many layers of paint. 

I live on the water and deal with true wind (and I laugh when people say "Oh, I LOVE wind!" because I USED to say that, till I had to live in it.  So the sound of slamming wind against the house at 2 a.m., the howling, relentless, and the whole house shaking.  The having to basically kick your way out of the car and the fight to get inside a structure to be able to open your eyes.  Storms, on the water are thrilling and terrifying.  Here on the coast of Rhode Island, you can still see things which tell the story of a storm.  The Hurricane of '38 took out the stone bridge which connected my road to Portsmouth, right in front of my house.  1/2 mile of stone... gone.  And there's a clam shack across the river from my house where there's a 5 foot marker on the front, which says how high the surge was on that storm.

I just heard that the water level is rising even faster than we thought it was.  Watching out for a Surge.... for sure.

If you've been holding back about learning to paint... don't... come paint with us.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fish Town, 4x4 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

I painted this little 'abstraction' of a small coastal town on a birch board that is cradled.  It can stand up on it's side all alone.  I used acrylic paint, and an acrylic pen - THIS is a new discovery for me and I LOVE it, it's really acrylic paint but comes out of a pen.  You have to pump it to get the paint to the nib.  Anyway, it's Day 11, and I missed posting my paintings yesterday, so here it is, on canvas board, 

"City Life", 7x5 inch acrylic painting

And also.... keep in mind...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

True Neighborhood, 4x4 inch acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald

Day 7 of the 30 in 30 challenge
While solitude is good, there is something to be said for connectivity.  I like a neighborhood where you can be yourself, hang out in a yard and just think, just be, paint, entertain or read without the 'eyes of the world' upon you.  ("I saw you painting in your yard this morning, how long were you out there?""Who were those women you were sitting on your porch with?""Hey!  Are you sleeping or just thinking?")  Yeah.  
But people can be wonderful, nuturing, joyful, too.  I'm playing with types of painting.  This is all flat shapes with an outline.  I'd LIKE to say this was easy, but it took much much longer to do than a realistic painting. The darn lines would disappear, the colors would fade out, or thin out, the color beneath would bleed through, and with a swipe of the brush, the outline could get covered.  But I liked being free of the colors of reality.  I just made colors I LIKED.  :) Fun.

Also... if you are in the area... we have a couple more spots in the class - I guarantee you you will enjoy this class.  The people are amazing, and we will do some really focused exercises, and subjects that are bound to break you out of your winter blues! Info HERE

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Swish, 7x5 acrylic painting by Kelley MacDonald


Day 6
Here it is, the first week, and I'm a day behind already!  Well, not in the PAINTING, but the posting of the painting!  I am loving, but still exploring, this particular method.  I cover the board with one color.  When it is dry I apply a semi gloss medium and let that dry - that will protect the first layer.  Then I add the second color - in this case, the blue, and when IT is almost dry i add droplets of water, trying for a pattern, a direction.  When the blue is dry I absorb the water droplets, leaving a clear view through the medium, to the bottom color (green).  At this point I look for my 'direction' and use the whole tube of paint to paint the red droplets with.  FUN!