
Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Has Sprung (almost)

By the calendar... Spring arrived this evening at 6:45.  In reality, however, it was snowing (again).  I'm feeling lucky because I have really beautiful flowers INSIDE right now.  Honestly, I have tulips (4 kinds), daffodils, roses, hyacinths, orchids and lilies.  Yeah.  Unbelievable, right?  I'm grateful for a birthday after a loooooong winter!
You can't blame me for letting loose a little with the paint.
Love them all.  Allowed myself to be very free with this Lily Portrait.
It's one of those paintings that look quite abstract close up, but if you back up it all comes together.
Feels like warm weather if I look at it!


  1. So cool! Wait it's stiiiiil snowing! Gimme those flowers. I neeed some spring!!! Happy Birthday too!

  2. WOW! This is a GORGEOUS painting Kelley. Now that is a great start to Spring..a celebration of your Birthday, the new Moon and the Equinox. Love it..Can feel your renewed energy

  3. Just lovely!! Great color and energy! :)

  4. Terrific! And so suitable for spring day!


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