
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We're All Connected, 6x6 inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Oh, I just love this little painting.  The thought was about 'negative space' which is the space that resides between things.  It defines the shape of things by relying on the outline of what IS and what is NEXT to it.  So this was a tough subject in class, but I loved the neutral colors of the whole painting except the berries.  And I got lost in the many colors and values in each little berry.  The highlight.  The stem end. (and you can see where my camera made a shadow on the lower right quadrant  - and it doesn't really matter.
All these berries are singular, unique, actually.  Like us.  But before I took the clippers to the bush, they were all on one big branch.  They had so much more in common than they had differences.  So do we.  And I'd like to wish you all a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.  Take a break from the craziness that we get hit with every day online, on TV and on the radio.  Look around the table and be thankful that THOSE are the crazy, lovely, wonderful people you have in your life.  
Blessings on you all.
(This painting is not 'officially' for sale, but if it speaks to you just email me at


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'aimerais être juste un petit oiseau afin de me poser sur une des branches et pouvoir picorer ces belles baies rouges.
    Une très jolie peinture.

    Je vous souhaite une joyeuse Thanksgiving.
    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Hi Kelley, such a sweet post. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving Day too.

  3. well said, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. xoxo

  4. Love this gem and happy thanksgiving to you and yours.


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