
Monday, October 6, 2014

Jelly Bomb, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Oh MAN, this was the perfect Jelly Donut!  Out of the lineup of plump sweet filled jellies, this one was the star.  And usually I have to do quite a bit of coaxing to get that perfect 'drip', but this one just erupted with that ruby goo!

So, was it coincidence that this painting just 'slid off the brush'?  I think not.  I especially was challenged, but LOVED painting the doughy spot to the left of the jelly - apparently this donut was joined to another and this was the 'tear-spot'.  I thought, at first - "I can't do that!"  I thought about ignoring it... surely I've painted enough of these to know what a non-torn piece looks like!  But then.... ah... I have a little motto... "Do one thing each day that terrifies you..."... so I went for it.  And am happy with the result!

Are you enjoying October?  I HOPE so - it's my favorite month!


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Comment résister à une telle tentation ? Ce beignet me semble si délicieux !
    Vous avez réussi à la perfection à peindre avec des nuances subtiles la pâte de cette douceur. La gelée de framboise qui perle délicatement est incroyable. Une très belle peinture.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Fabulous, it actually looks like it was torn! Wonderful job, I am totally impressed!

  3. October is treating us well here in Maine. We've lots of beautiful colors everywhere you look. Even some reds like that jelly of yours. :) If I look at your painting any longer I will have to get to the donut shop first thing in the morning. Yum!

  4. Oh my! That jam looks like I could literally scoop it off my screen with my finger and eat it! Yum! Gorgeous!! :0)

  5. Wow, you are an amazing artist. I could eat that right off the canvas.

  6. Just bought this because it's yummier than the real thing. Thanks!


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