
Friday, October 17, 2014

Chocolate Chocolate Cream ... Plus... oil by Kelley MacDonald

Getting ready for the Hingham Arts Walk THIS weekend.... come SEE the 'wall of donuts' - 35 North Street in Hingham.  Most of these have not been seen by the world yet!  I discovered a true gem of a donut shop in Fall River, this donut is slightly crunchy on the outside, and tender and moist on the inside, PLUS filled with cream AND frosted with chocolate... WOWZA.  Do stop by Page Railsback's studio on Sunday!

Also.... I am endlessly fascinated by other artists' process.  So when I see some (and you should check these guys out) like Karen Appleton and Amy Hillenbrand, I just am mesmerized.  They paint in one location and move on to another... This speaks largely to the whole "my school of painting is the only correct one..." crowd.  You see, in the world of art, there IS no 'correct' method of painting.  Some people start by blocking out masses of shapes, some draw with  pencil first and then work they way methodically across the canvas/board, some draw with paint and lay down the darks firs.....  it's ALL good.  And what happens when you tend to judge is that you miss out on being OPEN and learning new things.  I'm re-inspired.  May just try this type of method soon.  I'll show you.  Although, to be honest, when you try something new, it takes about 6 tries to get it right...


  1. Your donuts are always so luscious. Where do you get them?

  2. Loved learning about Jaren Appketon and Amy Hillenbrands processes. Oh this donut just beckons you to come and take a bite. The Arts Walk sounds like a delightful event.


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