
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Weeeelcome Back!

A lovely little island just west of Martha's Vineyard, part of the Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts... Cuttyhunk is the place to go if you want quiet.  Off the grid, mostly (you can stand on some crests of hills and catch a signal for your phone).  I left with my friend Susan Medyn out of New Bedford Harbor into the spray of the water taxi... into the blue blue water & sky and finally saw little Cuttyhunk.  An Artist's Retreat.  Heaven.  And I did a fun little workshop on Plein Air for my group and the Islanders (it was open to all EIGHTEEN full time islanders).  

We were pampered with gentle, nourishing yoga on the front porch overlooking the ocean.  During the days we foraged for inspiration and the muse.... at night, under the gloaming sky, we toasted each day's fruit of our labor with wine & bites, then were presented with fabulous meals in the shingle style Inn, called the Avalon.  

This afternoon, I braved the whirling wind, and explored the Fisherman's Club, settling near the bluff that overlooked the old Coast Guard Station (red roof), and the spit of beach that pointed towards Nashawena (now... I may have spelled that wrong, but it's the next island).  I started out 'normally'... (you know, blue sky, greeny water), but then it was as if I heard my dearly departed teacher, Ros Farbush in my ear.  "ANYONE could paint that!  Put some color into it!"  So I let my brush dip into the purples and aqua... and ... here it is.  I do hate to part with it.  I'll share more paintings soon.

Where we had yoga every soft morning.


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