
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day's Cottage... Revisited, 7x5 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Love all things 'outer Cape'.  I am reading a book called "The Orphans of Race Point" by Patry Francis, and many of my good artist friends are spending time in Ptown, Wellfleet, Truro right now, posting their images on Facebook, and making me LONG to visit!  Also, out of the blue, this painting from 2011 sold from my blog.   Have I mentioned how much I love my blog AND my blog followers??  Well, of course I couldn't find it and did my research and turns out someone had purchased it... so I revisited the original photo and re-painted it.  Honestly I loved this image, and it calls to mind those wonderful little cottages you drive by on the way to Provincetown.  I know for a fact it's going to a good home - with a beautiful Springer Spaniel named Molly!  


  1. I could sure see myself in a little cute cottage like this. Love the colors, Kelley!

  2. I love, love, love the simplicity of this painting. Great execution.

  3. I love this too Kelley. It is great. I find it difficult to make the cottages your color choices


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