
Monday, May 12, 2014

Bubbles & Gold, 4x4 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$65 & $10 S&H
Click HERE To Purchase

There's something about bubbles.  I like the bubbles on foam at the lapping water at the beach... the bubbles when you wash dishes, or play with toddlers in their bath.. I love blowing bubbles and painting them.  I have been experimenting with layers of paint, and gel medium in acrylics.  After the bubbles and layers of gel (which leave it with a sort of encaustic - waxy - look) I painted the rest of the painting with a few layers of gold paint.  It's not as orange as in this photo, but at night... tough to get the right look.

Spring has sprung and you won't hear me complain!  After this Winter we deserve some tulips and daffodils!  I'm back teaching at the Art Club after a brief  time off, and have a few nice commissions lined up.  I'll share them as they are presented to their new owners.

I've been feeling kind of bad because 2 real highlights of my year are to get paintings into the juried shows at North River Arts Society and the South Shore Festival.  This year, juggling jobs, teaching and painting (and having a life, which I have kind of given up on!) I missed the opportunities.  I didn't really have anything of size to submit.  With all the learning and playing I've been doing with my acrylics I took my eye off the ball.  Well, as a good friend always says "Education is expensive."  And this Spring, learning more about acrylics and design left me out of my usual pursuits.

There's always next year!


  1. This is so fun and fresh! Love bubbles and these keep you looking at them! Well done!

  2. And Kelley, there are always other shows that you can do, if you are of a mind. But having a life? It is a good thing! Love these bubbles and I'll bet that gold paint really sets them off beautifully. They are set off beautifully even in the photo!

  3. Nice bubs Kelley. Not too late for Members show at SSAS by the way. Small is beautiful

  4. I love your bubble paintings and I imagine they are a meditative process as well ;)
    Waiting for my rejections from NRAS ;)


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