
Sunday, March 9, 2014

So Long Gone

I apologize for being absent but I've been laid low with the flu. But while I've been 'down', a rather significant number of folks looked back and back through my blog, asking for paintings that caught their eye. These boots went a-walking to a new home, as well as a couple more. There were some I KNOW are still available, but couldn't put my hands on. This has prompted me to think about an e-commerce site. Which, frankly makes me want to run far and fast! 

I'm giving a talk Wednesday on artists blogging at the Providence Art Club and I will be sure to mention how a blog 'works' even when you can't! I love helping other artists get their Social Media 'game on'!

Hope you are all staying healthy! Spring is just around the corner.


  1. Great boots. Feel better. I am setting up a Weebly site and it is really quite easy. I am not sure how it would work for individual paintings as you would have to add each one in, but you would know for sure when it sold and the purchasers particulars.

  2. Love the addition of turquoise to these boots; an iconic touch of the old west to my mind.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous painting Kelley. Hope you are back on your feet health wise. See you soon Amiga xo

  4. Love 'em!! Perfect for Arizonians!!!


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