
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pouty Angel, 6x8 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

A few days off and I'm buried in 'back angels'!  I am ending up posting even if I am not thrilled - which is, I think, part of the 30 in 30 Challenge.   I know people will say I should never say these things but honesty is my only policy…:)  Will work on this again this month.  And hopefully catch up!

Well, just for fun, here are two older paintings I did (one a collage) that are 'angelic'…. I still have both, only the collage is buried somewhere in the boxes that came home from my studio when I moved.  If I EVER find it, I have someone who would like to buy it…. wish me luck!
"Angels Watch Over Her" (6x6 Collage_

"Angelic Me" 6x6 inch acrylic


  1. I think all of these are fabulous, Kelley.

  2. Love the palette and boy, did you ever get that pout!!

  3. Have always loved the this angel painting and you did a fab job! So love seeing you so inspired. xoxo

  4. Kelleys, you an angel in human form. No wonder you are so talented, and prolific with all of these angel works of art!


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