
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

FASTER! 3 Timed Paintings by Kelley MacDonald

Yahoo!  2014 is here with a bang!  Started my class "Small Paintings, Big Art" at the Providence Art Club today.  What a great group I've got.  to get on the same page, we all painted from photos, but we timed ourselves.  Painting the same image in 60, 40 and then 25 minutes (I'll save the 15 minute paintings for much later in the class) we tried to 'nail' the compositions, color and brushwork, hoping it got a little easier each time.  For many of us the sweet spot was 40 minutes.  

I will probably paint this angel statue again, (now that I've done all the 'math').
And yes, believe it or not I painted all 3 from the same photo reference!


  1. She's beautiful in all three versions. Admittedly, I do like the 40 minutes piece best!

  2. I really like the 40 minute one. Have fun with your class.

  3. Kelly - wow - to accomplish such lovely work in just a few minutes is awesome. Believe it or not I think I prefer the 25 min. one. All are great just like the face and hands best in this one. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a sweet Angel. I love the green with pops of red in there. How brave of you to do the timed pieces, maybe something I should try sometime.

  5. Love the middle one too! Gentle, but strong, like an angel oughta be! Really nice brushwork.

  6. Kelley, I love this idea, timing your painting! So interesting to see the results, all wonderful! I will have to try this!


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