
Friday, January 31, 2014

Black Magic, 6x6 inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

This is my submission for the Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge this month, which is "MAGIC".  You can see the other artist's pieces HERE.  

I"m not much for actual magic.  The magic of love?  Yes.  The magic of a miracle?  Absolutely!  But regular magic is so fakey-fakey, you know?  And a lot of people associate black cats with magic (witches, etc.).  Well, I had the most wonderful cat in the world about 20 years ago - well, he was my daughter's but he was mine in my heart.  His name was Max.  (He looked like this but this is not him)  He was huge - not fat at all, just a big boy - 18 pounds.  And you did NOT mess with him.  He refused to go into the house through the door, once he figured out that the bulkhead led right up to a kitchen window.  Yes, everyone in our house knew that he would meet you at the window if he wanted 'in'.  He was very affectionate to me, and had rules.  One rule was - beds made first thing in the a.m.  No dilly dallying.  He would block the doorway to my bedroom, staring at the bed, at me …. then at the bed… just blinking.  And I knew.  So as soon as the bed was made he'd hop up and curl up in the middle, against the pillows.  I'd give anything, ANYTHING at all, to have him boss me around just one more time.


  1. This is an amazing painting, Kelley! There's so much I love about it - the pink in the ears, the wonderful eyes with the little dot of red, how you painted the shape of the nose with just enough detail, and of course the brush strokes - but again the story is just as touching. You do say this is not Max, but I'm sure his 'essence' shows through! GREAT painting!

  2. Such a beautiful boy this cat is! Your Max sounds like he ruled the roost, as it should be!

  3. Here's to more MAGIC in your life - great story and painting!

  4. Great story, and I love the painting.

  5. Love the portrait and the story of your Max.

  6. Kelley, love this painting, and this story!


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