
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Angel Of Mercy, 6x4 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Sometimes I think we all need an Angel of Mercy.  She's little, but she's mighty.  Thanks to this 30 Painting Challenge, I literally have Angels dancing in my head.  Although with my typing skills, I venture to say that you might see a post about 'Angles' at some point this month… do not be fooled into thinking it's a painting about geometric shapes!  

*lyrics by Lang


  1. LOVE your angel series. they have been hovering over me every minute. and sometimes one of them looks like you! here's to the next 29 days and joyful creation my friend!

  2. She's so graceful. Looking forward to the angels day after day.

  3. Lovely!! Inspiring series. Looking forward to this whole month! xoxo

  4. Just beautiful - will be looking forward to seeing this series. Hope you have a lovely New Year.

  5. Love this one too Kelley! Beautiful!

  6. I am looking forward to seeing these angels appear every day, Kelley. What a great idea for your thirty paintings! Thinking of you tonight with all the snow coming at New England. Stay warm!


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