
Monday, November 25, 2013

My Little Chickadee, 6x6 inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Today I woke up feeling like I just jumped off a spinning carousel … 2 weeks of frenetic shipping, delivering, setting up, etc. and going to Openings - not to mention the 6 weeks prior of fast paced painting!  I told myself that I would just take it easy today, do what flowed, read a bit, walk with the dog without hurrying him along, meditating, etc.  Well, the morning kind of drifted, but then I walked into the studio, saw my sketches for some upcoming commissions, and the pull to the easel was irresistible!  

I wanted to paint something that I just had been dying to paint…. little birds.  I love the shapes of the little birds - kind of round as we head into winter.  And in doing this I found out that the chickadee is the state bird of Massachusetts!  Yes, the Wild Turkey is the state 'game' bird, but the chickadee is the regular one.  Voila!  I think there are more chickadees in my future.  Maybe yours, too. :D

One striking thing floated to my mind today… at two different openings two different people (so, doing the math, now 4 people in one week) told me they felt my paintings were painted joyfully, that they also brought joy to people who enjoyed them.  And I heard about one woman who bought one of my paintings and is taking it everywhere she goes as she fights a courageous battle with cancer, saying that the little painting makes her smile and she thinks that's good for her healing.  Moves me more than I can say!  And well, I've said enough for today.  Thanks for listening.


  1. What a wonderful painting, and I especially love the green background. I agree that your paintings are happy and being painted by a happy person. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. This little guy is beautiful. I love your bird paintings. Keep it under 100 mph today Kel

  3. It cheers me and I feel it is sending me a message. I can see why someone in chemo would take your painting everywhere. They just makes you feel peace and happiness.There is a healing ceiling tile program that a group of artists each paint a ceiling tile that goes into chemo centers. I was asked to organize a group to do this....haven't gotten there yet.

  4. Bonsoir chère amie,
    Il est très flatteur effectivement de savoir que votre art puisse faire partie d'un thérapie...
    Le tableau de ce petit oiseau est ravissant. bravo !
    gros bisous

  5. What a lovely little chickadee. I certainly do hope you paint more of these cute little guys.

  6. I love this! Beautiful color and texture. I agree that your paintings are joyful, too.

  7. A pretty little bird indeed. I was so uplifted hearing of the lady's battle with cancer and her inspiration to keep smiling coming from your painting. Thank you for sharing that.

  8. LOVE the happy spring color behind this little guy, and that lovely warm orange-y glow underneath his feathers. Joyful, joyful!! Wish I was close enough to join your "Girls Just Wanna Paint" group in person :)
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Kelley!


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