
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are You Free Thursday?

It was hung this weekends by GJWP girls Pamela Copeman, Lisa Daria Kennedy and Tori Chesley Brega.  They did a phenomenal job.  They hung a HUNDRED of our paintings!

Just to let you know about our group - we are a 4 + year old 'Challenge' group (we paint our response to a different topic each month and post it by the first of the month on our blog).  We are a dozen accomplished artists who teach and travel and are in galleries throughout New England.  We've had shows at different South Shore galleries and had a write up about us in a South Shore Magazine.  We are passionate, fun and definitely worth meeting at our Opening on Thursday, Nov. 21~

So come join us and have some nice sips and nibbles, see our work all hanging together, and say hello! Fellow artists and friends, we're looking forward to seeing you!


  1. This looks like it is going to be a rocking good exhibit. Wish I were free Thursday night but I am working until 8. :(

  2. I will definitely be there ..... in spirit!!! It's going to be a great show with lots of red dots!!

  3. Wishing you both success and a grand time, Kelley!!

  4. Kelley - so glad to meet you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a lovely message. Took some time to look over some of your gorgeous art. Looks to me like you love animals like I do. I will be following you. It is always wonderful to make a new friend.

  5. So much fun and talent. Have fun and the best of luck!!


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