
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Alert - This Coming Weekend In Marshfield, MA~

Every year I participate in the Holiday Sale at the North River Arts Society.  Not only did I study painting here for a long time, I made lots of friends here, and benefitted form various workshops and events.  I usually put out small pieces left from my various sales - not this year.  

You see, I'm taking a class, and recently we've been thinking about receiving - and giving.  So this year I am only including in this sale things I would hang in my own home - and I am including pieces up to 12x12 inches, pieces I have enjoyed, pieces other artists have complimented me on.  I feel like this way, I may be 'receiving' your support, but I am giving as well.  I feel the commission the NRAS takes from this is the LEAST I can give for all they give me and other South Shore artists.

So in addition, this year, I will donate a portion of the North River Sales to the relief effort in the Philippines. I cannot imagine what those poor people are going through.  So!  We've got your cocktails, your donuts, your sea gulls, your Maine views - come 'n get it Saturday & Sunday!  Great art all around that room!  When I dropped off my paintings, I saw THREE other GirlsJustWannaPaint peeps. 


  1. Wishing you a huge turnout and lots of sales!!

  2. How terrific, kelley..... wonderful to find this and see your stuff. and to read about your commitment to giving and receiving. :~) I just adore your work. Even tho I don't eat most of that stufff.....

  3. How wonderful to find this Kelley.. I just love your work, (even tho i don't eat donuts lol) and how cool that you made this commitment .. wish i could get to the show. Maybe I will. You are an INSPIRATION. :~)


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