
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Yellow Gingerbread, 8x10 inch Acrylic Painting done Plein Air

This weekend I participated in a first-time Plein Air event in Bristol, RI called Paint Bristol.  Bristol is a very picturesque town, which is very walkable, with lots of cafes and restaurants, galleries and very cool shops.  I painted this in the morning, a cute little gingerbread Victorian right on Hope Street, which is the main drag.  The owner stopped by and was telling me the story of the house, and the close-set house next door to it.  Apparently a single lady lived here, with a nice big lot.  She had a friend who fell upon hard times, and she offered the yard to her friend.  Seeing as her friend was totally without means, she bought a house and had it ROLLED through the streets of Bristol, where it was set up on her land. The two lived amicably side by side into their 90's.  I told the owner it seemed to me always that the spirit of this house was a happy one, and he confided that he actually thought there was a ghost, albeit a friendly one, in the house.  He said he often smelled cooking cinnamon and baked goods, when there is no good reason for it.
I offered this today for $325, framed in a gold plein air frame.  I will honor this price for this week, email me at if interested.


  1. Wonderful painting. I feel you captured the spirit of the house. The story was an added pleasure. Great job especially plein air.

  2. Great story and a wonderful painting. Love the way you handled the gingerbread trim. The whole painting really appeals to me.

    This is a comment from the fabulous Jerry Stocks, who emailed me and asked me to move it.....

  3. Really good one Kelley...Can't believe you captured this en plein air so well..

  4. Very beautiful and intricate piece. Architecture of any kind can be so hard to plein air paint and this beauty has so many elements. Great job!

  5. Such a happy house and such a happy painting. Quite the challenge Kelley! Oh my goodness Well done

  6. Nice painting, Kelley. That house has a lot going on but you handled it well.

  7. I always wanted a house with gingerbread! Lovely!

  8. Kelley, love this, and also the sweet story. Beautiful post!

  9. Oh I know this charmingly you have painted it. Lovely.


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