
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ready For A Close Up, 5x7 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

OK, so not health food.  But sometimes, just sometimes, comfort food is called for. IRL there is a bit more black on the top that accidentally got cropped off.  I'll run a true photo this weekend.  I'm staying out of the studio and painting at home all day Friday.  Double treat for me, after taking Thursday OFF, totally, and painting in my pj's on Friday.  
I have a painting in the NEST show in Dedham (their anniversary show) Friday (the 20th) night Party 5-8.  I'm hanging with some pretty heavy hitters!  Beth Dacey and Kim Morin Weineck are two that I know of and admire.  
Today I met up with fellow Blogger and Facebook friend Judy Joy Nocifora, while she and her husband were visiting Cape Cod.  SO great to finally meet someone I've admired and liked so much, through Social Media, and she's even sweeter in person!
Following our Donut-meetup, I swooped into Provincetown to see my friend Page Pearson Railsback, who is doing an art residency there.  Loved her little apartment and her studio, and well, you will love the work she's doing here - very courageous and beautiful!
And while I was visiting her, Lisa Daria Kennedy dropped by - on the day before she defends her Thesis for her Masters Degree (right downstairs from where Page is staying - yes, I snuck in to see her work - all in it's own room, huge, powerful, colorful and draftsmanship that blows me away....)... so I totally lucked out and had a blissfully happy day!  I spent the afternoon in the galleries of Ptown, and am all revved up and inspired!  


  1. Wow you name dropper you!! Hanging with all the big dogs!!! Love this painting...the jelly looks so ooey gooey delicious!

  2. Why does this look so darned yummy right now??? Painting in pjs sounds like a good way to go. I want to do that too! Maybe some day.

  3. you certainly do have your way with jelly! wonderful! and i'm inspired by you being inspired!

  4. I think this painting needs to be censored. Love it and love you Kelley

  5. Yummy times ten!! What an amazing day. You are in your ZONE!!!! xoxo

  6. Kelley, what a delicious painting, almost X rated! Your time with artist friends sounds spectacular! You have a wonderul life!

  7. What a busy little bee you are. Congrats on getting in the show. Such like fun times. Bravo on the Jelly too!

  8. Your inspiration and enthusiasm is sooooo infectious! Thanks so much for spreading this cheery painting and thoughts. Saw you today, painting on the porch. Was me tooting at you!


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