
Monday, August 5, 2013

Sweet! 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Well, maybe all these donuts look alike to you... but I guess, like a mother, they look unique to me!  Today I went to not one, but two different donut shops and drove the poor girls crazy selecting the perfect donuts to paint.  I have another Open Studio coming up in 2 weeks, at the South Coast Open Studio Tour for August (the 17th and 18th) and I know for sure I'll have friends from the blog and from Facebook, looking for donuts to satisfy their sweet tooth!  So today was pretty intense!  I did this 6x6, then a 10x10 inch, below.... (this one includes a CREAM and jelly donut... yes, Paco & I took a bite out of this one)

Then, just before cleaning up for the day.... I grabbed a 12x12 inch canvas and belted this one out, below:
This one is not the best photography job.... it's far, far better in person, and if I think to do it I'll re-photograph tomorrow.


  1. Now you've gone and done it. You've made me crave donuts! Absolutely love how you've painted on the sugar. Might I ask just how you did that?

  2. You my friend were in a doughnut groove- they are amazing!! Love seeing your doughnuts- just the best!!

  3. Now I'm hungry!!! The donuts are mouth wateringly delicious looking. The jelly just glistens...Great job my friend...great job!

  4. Looks so yummy! All low calorie, of course! Beautiful Work!

  5. Love your donuts! so deliciously oozy gooey and edible looking. Makes me want a donut. Maybe paint a chocolate eclair sometime???? Chocolate eclairs are my favorite...;)

  6. I can taste that little drop of jelly . Scrumptious painting!


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