
Sunday, July 21, 2013


This weekend I participated in the South Coast Open Studio Tour.  It was successful in so many ways. I met people who 'knew' me from my blog (lots of you!).  I met people who I only knew through Facebook.  And I met friends of friends who had seen my work in small doses at other shows, or at The Art Stable Gallery.

Here's what I found... people who love art, have big, beautiful hearts.  I don't pretend to understand why, but they see beauty first, just like so many artists.  Meeting them is a joy.  They may or may not purchase anything, that is irrelevant.  What they say to me when they see my art makes my heart sing.  They say that it makes them smile.  It lifts their spirits. It reminds them in the dead cold of Winter that there will soon be Spring.  They 'get' how I love dogs, cats, birds... sunsets, glittering water and dew on the grass.  They say they 'know' me through the things I choose to paint.  They cheer me on, and remind me why I share my work online, as well as in shows and galleries.

Well, THEY lift my heart.  With their comments on my blog and on Facebook.  When they wish me luck with my Open Studio. When they pile in the car with friends and make the trek to visit my part of the world, trusting me that when I say there's a lot of interesting work to see besides mine, that I won't steer them wrong.  They tell me my Blogging Talk motivated them to start their own blog, and are happy they did.  

Honestly, I had a LOT of sales.  It was exciting.  It was exciting to see someone have a painting 'speak' to them, and have them tell me they will treasure it.  But the most wonderful thing was to meet so many truly beautiful people, to share a little conversation, and to feel the connection.  Thank you to all of you who came out when they could've been sitting in their air conditioned living rooms.  Thank you for making my weekend.


  1. Best happiest post ever. Beautifully said and completely get what you mean...So tickled it was a wonderful weekend in so many ways! Sweeetttttt!!

  2. I am so glad you had such a wonderful weekend. I just knew you would!

  3. Congratulations Kelley! Sounds like all that hard work paid off ! I am thrilled that you had such a successful Open Studio this are a talented and well loved artist...I feel lucky to know you.

  4. This is so wonderful to read. This is why I love the arts and can not imagine a world without them. I always wished we lived in a world where on the nightly news it had News! Weather! sports! Arts!.
    All equally important....and sometimes it is that way like this report from your exciting weekend.

  5. Kelley, congratulations! I'm sure everyone who stopped by to see you left with a smile. Your enthusiasm is contagious.

  6. What a great post today Kelley. You are such an inspiration on so many levels. I for one..would not have a blog were it not for you. You rock rock rock. I am happy for you that the Open Studio went so well....Get some rest...I can't wait for the next one in a few weeks. That I won't miss

  7. I saw Kathrine's post on FB and had to see this post, so lovely. I'm happy for your success Kelley--and inspired by the joy you experienced connecting with your art peeps! Yep, you rock!

  8. Fabulous!! Congrats on all the sales and truly fun and spirit-filled weekend. You SO deserve all this joy and more! xoxo

  9. Love the pink and yellow in this painting and love this post. So true!! Have a great week!

  10. What a wonderful story and post. You are magic Kelley,

  11. I can really feel the gratitude in your words. It feels like such a wonderful success on so many levels, Yay! so happy for you.


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