
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Update (Work In Progress)

Truly, I feel blessed these days.  I have an extremely supportive and loving family, pets I adore, many treasured friends who both guide me when I need it and encourage me when I need that.

A couple of years ago I tried for an artist membership at an art association, preparing 8 large (30x30 and 30x40) paintings of the sunsets I see from my porch.  The series was both personal and a reach for me, not being one who ever did much in the way of series.  To make a long story short, I was rejected for that membership, and the judges were pretty clear that they did not think much of my sunsets, both as subject matter or execution.  Later I talked to someone I thought was knowledgeable about selling art and she told me "Sunsets are a no-no.  Actual sunsets cannot be surpassed, although photography comes in a close second.  Painted sunsets are ... just 'too'...."

So I pretty much gave up painting them.  Although they still inspired feelings of peace and expansiveness and joy in my heart, I closed that door for my art.  Well, lately, and maybe it was seeing my work in Pam Copeman's wonderful home in the Boston Globe, and maybe it was just gaining a bit of confidence, warranted or not, but I decided to stick my fingers in my ears and hummm... and paint my sunsets that I love.  I had even AVOIDED looking at them, as if just seeing the rosy sky and golden tipped clouds would make my art 'smarmy'.  No more.  You can now find me on my front porch soaking in the glow.

So here's a 12x12 that I'm working on.  I'm about halfway through, but you can see where I'm going.  In this, the storm clouds are coming up from the South East, headed right for us.  When this is ready it will most likely show up at the Art Stable Gallery - look for it there!


  1. Follow your heart and I love where you're going with this Kelley-girl!
    You know what I think about sunsets:)

  2. Dear Kelly,
    One question for all those who rejected nature ugly? NO..a big NO
    Its the most beautiful of all things, the most beautiful painting made by God itself.
    Then who are they to "judge" it...yeah, this has gotten me angry..
    I love sunsets too...and paint them as well, for myself first and then for anyone else..but I do..
    I think you shouldnt stop thinking about those who do not admire art. I also do not think there are any boundaries in art, so let them be. You should go with your love and instincts..thats what brings out the best in us..

  3. Well I totally disagree! What utter clap-trap, entirely bonkers, complete and utter nonsense!!! I think paintings are far more beautiful than photographs and sunsets can be so beautifully conveyed in a painting! Take Turners many vibrant sunset paintings! I mean, some of them are just... WOW!! One of my favorite Turner paintings is 'The Scarlett Sunset' and my favorite Monet painting is 'Impression Sunrise'. I think your sunset painting is already absolutely stunning - you have SO captured the mood and not just the colours... that's the trick! So you go with it! Don't let other people tell you what you should and shouldn't paint :0)

  4. It sure is beautiful, Kelley. Amazing how people can manage to really douse our enthusiasm for things. My brother calling something I did "juvenile" has me seeing every single piece in that way - and not liking it at all.

  5. Kelly Your painting is fantastic. You are also painting sunsets for the right reason. Not only do we appreciate what we experience every night we are challenged. Art is about our experiences. Great work .

  6. You go Kelley ! Remember Paint what you Love and Love what you Paint . You have to paint for yourself and your connection and feelings about your subject will come through. I love looking at sunset and cloud paintings , maybe because we don't get to see the sky much here in NYC. Continue on your path, you are doing great !

  7. Beautiful, Kelley. I'm painting a sunset series now too. Go with your heart!

  8. It is a magnificent start...the colors are amazing. I firmly believe that when someone says "don't do ..." they are referring to the fact that they are not confident enough to try. People are always telling me not to do portraits...don't paint children...I don't listen. I listen to my heart. I am glad you are listening to your heart also.

  9. Gorgeous! Yes, follow your heart!!! It's your true north. This is an important lesson for all of us so thank you for the important reminder. xoxo

  10. March forward into your sunsets! They are marvelous. The trick is to be true to the intensity of the colors without the result seeming too garish or over saturated. You do that well!

  11. Art critics aren't going to buy paintings. Somebody who loves sunsets may. Keep following your heart and smile all the way to the bank!

  12. You know what ? I thought the same thing after seeing your sunset in that article, I thought, hmm why doesn't Kelley do more of those! Really I did. This is really lovely the colors in the cloud are so gorgeous. I would stop it is so wonderful as it is.

  13. This painting is looking so very good Kelley and your sunset painting sang in the interior photo in the Globe!

  14. This is an amazing painting and the colors are magnificent. Glad you didn't pay attention to the person that said you shouldn't paint at sunset.

  15. Kelley! Never never never let anyone tell you what to paint, chica! I've actually had more than one person who should have known a thing or two about making art ask me: "why in the world do you keep painting all those little cat and dog paintings?" ... exCUSE me? Because when I walk in a room and see one of my "kids" napping in a comfy chair in the soft light of the morning sun, making all those beautiful lines and shapes and colors it just makes my soul laugh out loud, THAT's why :)
    Just the way sunsets captivate your artistic soul I imagine. (I think I've mentioned before, but I have to say it again: I'm very envious of your front porch view.) GORGEOUS painting, by the way - you GO!

  16. Cover your ears to those who try to deter you from your clarity and inner wisdom. Beautiful painting Kelley!

  17. I'm so glad you decided to paint a subject that fills you with joy and passion! Have fun with them. Tune out that silly noise. There is only one Kelley Macdonald, that has a very specific connection to the sunset that she is seeing in her specific locale, so don't worry about it being a common subject. It's how you interpret them that makes them unique.


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