
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Flowering Quince, 11x14 oil painting by Kelley MacDonald

$350.00 & $15 S&H

OK, it's much bigger than my usual Daily Paintings - 11x14 inches! This painting kind of came to me in a dream.  In that I dreamt about a design like this, knowing my two gorgeous flowering quince bushes were just bursting with blooms.   So, coincidentally, I stumbled on the glass panels I purchased TWO YEARS ago and promptly lost.... I knew it had to all come together.  I found a beautiful ultramarine tissue paper and put it under the glass, popped the little vase on top...and just reveled in the reflections. 

I put this up on Facebook and got record numbers of 'likes' (for me, anyway!).  I had been planning to save this painting to put in the Gallery this summer, but ... I was just so tickled that it got such a rush of good responses, I thought I'd like to offer it online.  Normally, framed, this would go for double this amount, but I just get such a KICK out of people being enthusiastic about a piece I LOVE, love, love, I am happy to offer it at this price.  So, I'd be happy to see it go to a 'good' home with one of my blogger friends, I guess is what I'm saying!
Be well, all... be happy, and enjoy the blooms of Spring!


  1. Wonderful painting Kelley and always love reflections! Fun when it all comes together as you planned:)

  2. Love the tissue paper between glass idea; very original, Kelley! The piece came out beautifully, for sure.

  3. It really is a beauty Kelly! Just LOVE this! :0)

  4. I love this soooo much. The reflection on the glass is especially lovely.

  5. Congrats!! It is just so lovely and captivating.

  6. Love this!! Great soft edges and reflections. What plant is this?

  7. We are SO behind here in Michigan; my quinces have just started to bud. Aren't they a joy to paint though?

  8. just so lovely kelley! it's easy to see why it was so well received! great concept too! hope you are well.


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