
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pussy Willow Shimmer, 6x6 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Loving my pussy willows still... and in this painting I decided to use a bright gold metallic paint for the background. I love the way the blueish pussy willows stand out against it.  Just exploring paint and shapes and design.

Saw sunshine today.  Took THREE walks.  Ahhhhhhhh... I am SO ready for Spring this year!


  1. What a perfect match you have here for the little furry pods (color-wise). I do like the way the blue/violet/gray pops against the gold too but honestly...I guess I tend to like the more subtle color shifts of the previous piece. Really? I just love that last one so much!!

  2. This one is strong and bold with just the right feel to highlight the softness of the little catkins.
    Okay, a convoluted way of saying I love it.
    I am ready to get out of sun-deprivation mode, too. We actually had some sun yesterday and what a different world it was.

  3. Live the way the background works with these early signs of spring. Have been looking around in hopes of finding a bush as they root so easily.these make me want to touch them.

  4. Wow... Great Post About Acrylic Paints.Thanks for the post, i will look forward to see more posts from your blog.

  5. Hello, is this picture still for sale? Or do you have something v similar, please message me on


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