
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mints On Pink, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


I had the most fun in the studio today.  For some reason there was NOTHING else (well, housework, yeah, but that'll be there beyond death, you know?) to do today, so Paco and I slipped off to the studio. I worked on EIGHT paintings.  Paco chased a patch of sunlight, and could not understand why it kept moving, and he'd have to go find it again to take another nap (this is so very unlike him - so DOG-like, to sleep on the floor... I think it's his first nap on the floor EVER).

And then I am still determined to work on figures, and I am my own free model...
And I definitely see improvement - although isn't it funny how cross you look when you paint yourself!?!


  1. Something about pink and green together that I have always liked. Why sleep on the floor when there is always a comfy couch/bed/chair to sleep on, Mom?

  2. I love your mints against the flat pink!

  3. Nice to see bright cheery candies this AM. Love the self portraits you are fun!

  4. Great color combinations! This is a fun painting.

  5. Kelley, Your candies, are just perfect, love the colors. You self portrait is fabulous, but you are so much better looking in person.

  6. I can not resist your peppermint paintings. So great and fun!!

  7. These just sparkle, Kelley! It sounds like a delightful day in the studio - I love those kind of days. XOXOX

  8. Love your choice of background for this study. How do you get that cellophane, it's perfect!?

  9. Oh YEAH. Because of the hot pink this might be the best ever, of your mint paintings!!


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