
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Evening Enchantment, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

A thousand times I could view it, and a thousand times I could paint it, and I would never, ever tire of the pink glow at sunset in Hull, MA.  Looking west with the peninsula tapering out off to the right, then into Boston Harbor, I am simply enchanted by the pinky orange glow that reflects on the wet sand of Nantasket Beach.  Every time I paint it I commit it more to heart.  I can always use a spot of sunset colors wherever I am and whatever time of day it is.

Some say only God can make a great sunset.  Some say after that only a photograph is worth it.  But I think back on the lovely glows captured by artists through time: Monet, Van Gogh, Fitz Hugh Lane, Emile Gruppe, Kevin MacPherson, etc. etc. etc.  I like painting, so I guess I like painted sunsets.  


  1. You have definitely captured that pinkish glow we sometimes see with sunsets, Kelley. So pretty!

  2. Beautiful, and I love your thoughts, getting the place into your memory!

  3. So true. I love seeing your paintings.

  4. So serene, peaceful and beautiful! What a treat to get to see this sight on a regular basis...

  5. I can't imagine life without art. Art copies life.

  6. This is so beautiful. I love the light reflections in the pink sand.

  7. what a wonderful memory that scene is for me and I couldn't agree more about the sunset painting 'myth'. This is beautiful.


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