
Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Tale Of Two Me's

Kind of two sides to the same coin... but the bottom one (dark background) was done after looking in the mirror and then walking into the other room to my easel and painting from memory.  The top one I did in front of a mirror.  You know, when you feel like painting people, and are all alone - you are a model can always convince to 'sit' for you.  I look, actually, like a combo of the two of these.  The top one, done in acrylic, I like better, except for the Jay Leno - type jaw.  I give myself a little break for the bottom one, as I said, because I was working from MEMORY.  We did this exercise in my class at the Providence Art Club.  The students did an amazing job - I can't believe I forgot to photograph their work!


  1. I think you did an amazing job on both of them! Love the way you did the glasses in the second one. Sometimes I wear mine like that!

  2. Both are wonderful painting of a beautiful lady and friend.

  3. This is a great idea...the top one has a freshness and confidence but the bottom one is warmer and has more personality...very interesting!

  4. Yes - amazing job. The second one looks more like the Kelley I know. Can't believe you did it from memory! xoxo

  5. I have never tried a portrait where I didn't look at the subject...great exercise and you did a great job with it!

  6. I like both, but I agree with Christine! What a great idea. I might just have to give it a try if I can only get my crown to stay on while painting. :-)


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