
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pug In Snow, 6x6 Inches, Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H
Click HERE to Purchase

When pugs are sad, they relax two things, their curly tail and their wrinkly forehead.  So when Paco is sad, we say he's a 'round headed pug'.  One thing that would make him sad is to be outside (in our fenced yard BY HIMSELF.  Doesn't matter the weather.  Doesn't matter how many toys.  The thing that makes Paco sad is being without his person.  

Now, this puggie isn't Paco, but I love the little round head, sitting on the steps in the snow... I know that look!  He's probably been there all of 5 minutes, so he can 'go' outside.  If he were Paco he'd 'hold it' for hours, rather than spend one minute by himself outside.  I so enjoyed painting this one.  I found the image on a Facebook page for pug owners.  They are a hoot!

This weekend... no cocktails... candy!  (OK, YOU go ahead and enjoy the cocktails...)


  1. Awwww poor baby! Easy to see that he is indeed sad. Wonderful capture of this Pug emotion, Kelley!

  2. I agree with pugs...I hate being outside by myself...even if the yard is fenced! I love this little guy and the colors in the snow. Great job!

  3. I love this warm, "round head" against the cool snow and door colors. Such a fun series.

  4. oh my gosh kelley!
    i just got caught up on all of your new puggy paintings!

    they are all fabulous!i love this one the most!

    it tells a whole story without a word said!

    cold pug butt for sure!

  5. This makes me want to get a cat would NEVER forgive me! Great pug painting, Kelley!

  6. love, love, love this! So adorable- what an excellent job you did!


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