
Monday, January 28, 2013

Cosmopolitan, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Well, this weekend I fell down on the job and missed 'our' cocktail.  So today I thought I'd sneak one to you.  I have a strong preference for Cosmo's.  they must be pale, pale, pale - it's NOT a Cape Codder, for Pete's sake!  It must have a nice piece of citrus - lemon or lime (I like them both), you must use a good quality vodka (at least Absolute quality) and Cointreau, not Triple Sec.  Shake, pour into chilled martini glasses - aaaahhhhhhhhh.  
I see that my cropping failed a bit here - on the left side there is that dark edge that I need to crop out, apologies.
I am busily painting as well as packing up my studio, and will catch up on my two still short in my 30 Paintings in 30 Days!!!  Going to do it!!!!~
Tomorrow... another pug!


  1. I've never had a Cosmo but they sure look yummy. They sound so urban chic!

  2. Lovely colors...I did miss my cocktail last weekend so I am glad you remembered...

  3. Yum. Looks so enticing. Loved the pug yesterday too.

  4. Still recovering from a nasty round of golf yesterday, this was just what the pro recommended. So real and so tantalizing. Very nicely done Kelley!

  5. You go girl!
    30 paintings --- 30 days... yes!

  6. Don't worry about the numbers you did good!
    Hope you're feeling better xoxo


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