
Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Magic, 6x6 Inches, Acrylic Painting of Shadows on Snow by Kelley MacDonald

 I'm wishing each of you a bit of Holiday Magic in your own lives.  Remember as children the wonder, the enchantment with the first snows, and the holiday lights?  In my own childhood I felt very safe and cared for, and I was encouraged to believe.... I wish every child could have that.  It's got nothing to do with material comfort, but of security in our family, and of feeling treasured and loved.

Apologies for not blogging much this month.  I've let my technical difficulties with my Blog and my computer throw me for a loop, and I got discouraged.  But I was painting away, and will share my work with you.  I've also been scheming about my trajectory for the coming year... you know... new series of work, new types of things to paint, and the challenges they'd provide, new teaching opportunities!

Yes!  I'm going to offer a Saturday class - "Basics Plus" - for people new to painting, or new to the medium of oils, or for people who've painted a while ago and want to get back in.  Hours 10-1.   More details next week.  

And I will also be having a class on THURSDAYs from 9:30-12:30.  I've switched back from Friday because it seemed to work better for people!  Fun times and new adventures ahead!

And at the Providence Art Club I will be teaching a Painting A Day class - and doing it along with them, for the very best way to hone skills and develop as a painter, on Wednesdays from 1-4.

VERY excited for January.  But still - I have to enjoy Christmas and the New Year's holidays!  I wish you all a joyous week, and will be pleased to answer any questions about classes - or purchase info about Winter Magic ($100 & $10 S&H) via email:!


  1. sounds like a wonderful life!!! busy but wonderful!!! Have a great holiday and I LOVE this piece...the cool shadows are perfect!

  2. A wonderful shadow! Haven't had much snow here yet to enjoy and it looks like we're not on the radar for much this winter. Two winters in a row, apparently. Anyway, I hope you have a magical holiday season Kelley. Glad to see your post.

  3. Go Kelly go!!! Love the painting and the deeply-cherished sentiment of magic, love and security. The painting exudes these qualities. And a bit of mystery. So excited for you in all your new adventures. 2013 is going to be a fab year!!! Merry, merry!! xoxo

  4. Beautiful painting with hints of magic, wonder and excitement for what lies ahead. So excited for you and all your big adventures. Merry, merry to you and yours!!!! XOXO

  5. What a creative little painting, love the texture. Wow, you are going to be a busy busy bee in the New Year. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  6. I love you painting and it is very magical! Its beautiful.
    I know all about getting discouraged for one reason or another, and it is hard to pull yourself up.
    I hope some wings lift you up.

  7. You have a beautiful Christmas Holiday! Hope it brings you the warmth and cheer we all wish for to carry us through the chilly days!

  8. Hope your Christmas was peaceful. You sound inspired for the new year-so happy for you!!


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