
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Strength, 4x4 Inches, Oil Painting

$65 & $10 S&H

For the Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge for October, our charge was to paint "Hat"!  Hard, for me, as I don't usually wear, or like, hats.  Then I remembered my favorite photos of my Dad growing up were of him in his uniform.  I always thought he was so handsome, particularly in his policeman uniform.  Well, I couldn't find the photo of him, but this is very similar.  As a cop's daughter we knew every evening when we kissed him goodbye (night shift) there was every chance he'd be in harm's way that night.  He was strong and brave and a good role model for our whole family, and we were very proud of him, and that uniform.  
Check out our paintings for the Challenge HERE!  


  1. I knew there was a special connection with you and now I know why. How cool that you're a cop's daughter. I love this portrait of your father!

  2. I do have a heart for police officers and most men in uniform are indeed handsome. This is wonderful, Kelley. I love the black and white.

  3. Both paintings are great and you can tell a lot of love went into executing them. Glad Sandy is beyond you and that you are safe.

  4. Nice job on this Kelley! I bet he was a terrific guy! Love a man in uniform!

  5. Lovely painting and touching story about your dad! Aren't dad's wonderful. So glad you are safe!!

  6. Kelley, beautiful work, and beautiful tribute to your dad! So glad that you are safe from Sandy!


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